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"PoGo+ is actually nearly unusable since the last update"

#PokemonGO: So ever since that last update the Go+ connects to my device without any problem but the game itself has some really big issues, it ignores any catches, the indicator rarely appears, it sometimes locks onto a pokemon and doesn't change the target even after it's been caught and on top of that the latest update made it so it disconnects every 15 minutes or so, it still shows that it's connected to the phone but the game itself just drops it.I don't understand how a piece of hardware specifically designed to be used with that single game can work so poorly. It actually feels like a waste of money, Niantic really should just take a closer look at it and rewrite the code made for it to actually make it work properly with the game. Maybe while we're at it we could get some options for Go+ priority and faster catches (I mean, really? Is the vibrating/flashing part necessary if the pokemon catch is determined right after the button press?)I'm just really upset at how it's handled, it's a thing I've paid money for and it would be nice to actually have it work properly...Edit: Since people are asking about the device, my phone is Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x with MIUI Global (android 7.0) OS. My Pokemon Go version is 0.111.3 via /r/TheSilphRoad
"PoGo+ is actually nearly unusable since the last update" "PoGo+ is actually nearly unusable since the last update" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:16 Rating: 5

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