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"Updated to the new version, got slapped with a first strike warning. Thanks Niantic."

#PokemonGO: the title above. People here might not believe me but I have not used any spoofing app nor used any IV checker. So I cannot understand how the heck I am getting this. I submitted a ticket to Niantic but I am expecting that they will just reply with the same generic email. How can a broken system like this gets implemented?(I don't know if you guys would remember but I was the one who posted the Articuno shot from Mt. Pilatus during my trip around Europe. Niantic also slapped me with a red warning a few days after that 30day trip.)Sorry if this came off like a rant. It's just that I don't understand why this happens on my account. I don't know what their system is detecting from my phone/account.EDIT: corrected broken link and some grammar.UPDATE: 630am PH time. So my brother finally wokeup. He said he previously rooted the phone to install an older patch of Android and to reactivate the "backup while charging only" function for Google Photos. But he said explicitly remembers having it unrooted afterwards. I tried lookinh for a magisk folder but couldn't find any. So I am going to ask a friend who knows a thing or two about samsung and android phones to scour the whole file system to check for any dubious app or folder that may be causing the flag. I don't want to do it myself coz I'm a bit worried I might break the phone. Lol. But until then RIP celebi quest. :(Niantic support just sent their generic reply of just follow the TOS so I think there's no hope of help from them.Thanks to /u/FinalGary, /u/BiggestofBears, /u/DarkGamer000, and /u/ThanatosSelisen and the others I failed to mention for giving ideas on what to check. You're much more helpful than Niantic Support. I hope I could figure this one out. via /r/pokemongo
"Updated to the new version, got slapped with a first strike warning. Thanks Niantic." "Updated to the new version, got slapped with a first strike warning. Thanks Niantic." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 15:54 Rating: 5

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