"I agree with Niantic. Old trainers should support new trainers when battling raids. But..."

#PokemonGO: Organizing a raid party is not as easy as it sounds, Niantic. This was just tweeted by Niantic moments ago. Although I do agree with them wholeheartedly but the main issue is organizing your community to do a raid is not always possible when we don't have an in-game raid map. Yes I know we have raid groups and such but those only work for people who are in them already. Most of these new trainers don't even know they exist! So how are they expected to know?We need a raid map with the following features in-game;• See raids within a 5-10 mile radius• click on nearby raids to select options I'm In, I'm here, ETA function and Run Away optionAnd just since we're all here;• Icons of nests showing the nesting pokémon and option to see nests and report unsafe nests such as private golf courses where objects fly all around.• soloable NPC raids where the bosses have tier 2 raid HP that spawn 40% of the time could run parallel to standard tier 3 to EX raids levels. Just like regular raids you'd use a raid pass but you'd have to battle against an NPC gym leader that has 6 pokémon with the 6th boss being a current level 3 to EX raid boss. *So if a tier 4 raid boss is tyranitar you'd battle a gym of 5 bosses that or dark or rock and finally face tyranitar with up to 5 people. If you win you get tier 3 raid items and a chance at catching the final boss. via /r/pokemongo https://ift.tt/2QbkFzI
"I agree with Niantic. Old trainers should support new trainers when battling raids. But..."
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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