"Just hatched a shiny pichu with Halloween hat, isn't this super duper rare?"
#PokemonGO: So, I was walking the dog and a 2km hatched. Shiny pichu popped out, but too my suprise he was wearing the halloween hat. https://ibb.co/fUM0WVI have been playing for 3 to 4 months now, having missed last years halloween event I had no idea this was an option. Isn't this shiny super rare? Like, one week per year to hatch a pichu with this hat and then shiny?Just trying to determine it's trade value, as I dont really care about shinies and would love some Kyogres and Groudons for it :x via /r/pokemongo https://ift.tt/2JfgBfr
"Just hatched a shiny pichu with Halloween hat, isn't this super duper rare?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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