"[Spoilers] Based on newly datamined moves, here are the Gen I-III Pokemon that may have current moves shifted to legacy"
#PokemonGO: Edit #42: See comments for a compiled list of all mons listed below with what their current movepools are to make a judgment regarding which ones are most likely to go legacy.At this time we don't know what moves are fast and what are charge, so try your best to have at least one of each move. (Generally need 3 mons usually to cover all charge moves) amongst these species, whom learn the new moves in Gen VII in the table below.A + indicates the rest of the family can learn it, used in the Breeding section as only the babies can be bred out of it anyway.The list is sourced from https://ift.tt/2Ol8t2Y BashAcid SprayEarth PowerCrush ClawSuper PowerLeech LifeMuddy WaterFell StingerNormalPoisonGroundNormalFightingBugWaterBugBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpSquirtleEkansNidoqueenSandslashNidoqueenZubatVaporeonBeedrillWartortleArbokNidokingZangoosePinsirGolbatWooperAriadosBlastoiseTentacoolDiglettAnorithTotodileVenomothQuagsireQwilfishSharpedoTentacruelA-DiglettArmaldoCroconawVenonatMarshtompBy Breeding:By Breeding:A-GrimerDugtrioBy Breeding:FeraligatrCrobatSwampertParas+Bulbasaur+A-MukA-DugtrioSandshrewMarillBy TM:BarboachSurskit+Nidoran ♀+GulpinSlugmaA-Sandshrew+AzumarillA-SandshrewWhiscashCacnea+Cubone+SwalotMagcargoRhyhorn+TrapinchA-SandslashKyogreRhyhorn+By Breeding:CorsolaKangaskhanRegirockParasBy Breeding:Goldeen+Bellsprout+NosepassCyndaquil+RegiceParasectSquirtle+TorkoalGrimer+CameruptSneaselRegisteelMewTentacool+RelicanthWooper+TrapinchTreecko+DeoxysSpinarakLickitungQwilfishVibravaTorchic+By Breeding:AriadosHorsea+Remoraid+FlygonSlakoth+Aron+By Breeding:Omanyte+ClaydolTorkoalBellsprout+Azurill+GroudonCorphish+YanmaRelicanthBy Breeding:Barboach+Crab- hammer*LungeOctazookaMirror ShotLeaf TornadoDrain PunchShadow BoneBlaze KickRazor ShellWaterBugWaterSteelGrassFightingGhostFireWaterBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpBy Level UpKrabbyN/AOctilleryMagnemiteVictreebelN/A (not even Gen IV)A-MarowakHitmonleeShellderKinglerBy Breeding:By Breeding:MagnetonShiftryBy Breeding:Blaziken(Cloyster)CorphishSpinarak+Horsea+ForretressTropiusLedyba+CorphishCrawdauntSurskit+RemoraidShroomish+CrawdauntVolbeatMeditite+*The attack Crabhammer is not actually hyphenated; I only did that to force the table to be thin enough for the custom CSS on this subreddit.Notice that Drain Punch isn't a level up move for anything Gen I-IV. So if they're going to use it on any Pokemon, it may come off of breeding eligibility, so I think it gives at least a small chance for any of the other attacks as Breeding moves to apply to other Pokemon.However, while double checking the move availability per Serebii.net, I noticed move tutor for Drain Punch. There's an extensive number of mons they could use and avoid Breeding Moves if Niantic so wished.Pluses here indicate that the listed Pokemon and its evolutions can learn it. Pokemon like Oddish or Cleffa cannot learn Drain Punch.Edit: Also added in Earth Power Edit umpteenth: and Super Power. List also condensed to not duplicate names in tables above.Drain PunchEarth PowerSuper PowerBy Move Tutor:By Move Tutor:By Move Tutor:Clefairy+MewtwoSandshrew+Wooper+TorkoalNidokingSnubbull+Jigglypuff+MewGeodude+GligarLunatoneMachop+ScizorGloom+TogeticA-Geodude+ShuckleSolrockGeodude+Teddiursa+Abra+SlowkingOnix+Swinub+Barboach+A-Geodude+Swinub+SlowbroTreecko+Cubone+Phanpy+Baltoy+Krabby+Phanpy+GengarLombre+Rhyhorn+Larvitar+Lileep+ExeggutorLarvitar+Drowzee+GrumpigOmanyte+LugiaAnorith+HitmonleeBlazikenHitmonchanSpindaKabuto+Ho-ohRelicanthRhyhorn+Mudkip+Chansey+Cacnea+AerodactylCelebiRegirockFlareonBreloomKangaskhanRegirockMewMudkip+GroudonKabutopsMakuhita+Mr. MimeDeoxysSudowoodoAron+RayquazaSnorlaxCacturneJynxSunkern+Numel+DragoniteArmaldoMewAbsol via /r/TheSilphRoad https://ift.tt/2Pr7NWb
"[Spoilers] Based on newly datamined moves, here are the Gen I-III Pokemon that may have current moves shifted to legacy"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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