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"Swap Volbeat and Illumise In November"

#PokemonGO: With November being a month dedicated to bug type pokemon, Shedinja Field Research and shiny Caterpie, it would be great if Niantic added to the fun by swapping Volbeat and Illumise in their respective regions. I have had my fill of Illumise and would love a chance to add another regional to my pokedex. We already have precedent for region swapping, Zangoose/Seviper and Solrock/Lunatone. Now is as good as a time as any to swap those fancy bugs. via /r/pokemongo
"Swap Volbeat and Illumise In November" "Swap Volbeat and Illumise In November" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:04 Rating: 5

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