"Let's Go, Meltan Quest Progression Throttle"

#PokemonGO: I'll try to be as concise as I can be. Basically, progression for the "Let's Go, Meltan" quest has been throttled, and in some cases been made almost impossible. I am currently on Step 8/9, (the step where you get the chance to catch Meltan upon completion) and have noticed quite a few apparent changes that lead me to believe that several aspects of the game have been intentionally changed to make quest progression significantly more difficult.I play the game pretty much every time that I'm headed somewhere (school, work, public transportation, etc), as well as every Community Day to date, so I'm able to give a valid assessment of this topic. Granted, where I live could be a factor as to why my observations are the way they are, but I've seen quite a few posts that echo similar observations, presumably each post being from someone located in a different part of the world.Anyway, here's what I've observed:Anorith Spawn Rates Ever since November 27th (when the Let's Go event ended) Anorith have pretty much completely stopped spawning near me. For some, Anorith might not be common where you live. For me, I have seen multiple Anorith every single day since it was added to the game up until November 27th. Regardless of the season, weather, or event, there were always Anorith around.Lileep also counts towards progress in Step 8, but they have rarely ever spawned near where I live, so I can't comment on any change in apperance.Kabuto and Omanyte Neither Kabuto nor Omanyte have appeared in abundance where I live, but I have seen about 3 on average every week since the game first came out. That is, up until November 27th. Ever since then saying that they are extremely rare would be an understatement. I've seen about 2 Kabuto in the wild since November 27th.Pokémon That Appear During Certain Weather Conditions This is where I really started to notice things feeling off. The Pokémon that should be spawning during certain weather conditions aren't spawning. Instead, Pokémon that should not be appearing in certain weather conditions spawn in abundance. For example, instead of seeing lots of Swinub and Aron during Snowy Weather, I see Bellsprout everywhere. It has also only snowed four days since November 27th where I live, but I'll get to that in the next part. During Windy Weather, Sentret, Surskit, Barboach, and Shellder will be everywhere, with no Dragon, Flying or Psychic to be found anywhere. The same anomalies are present with all the other weather conditions.Partly Cloudy Weather is Rarely Registered This is where I knew something was up. Where I live, the conditions have been Partly Cloudy for the majority of the past few weeks, yet the game will rarely ever register this weather condition. I have checked Google Weather to confirm that the weather is in fact Partly Cloudy, and Google has corroborated my observations. By "rarely ever register", I mean that Partly Cloudy weather has been properly registered maybe 7 or so short occasions since November 27th. This is the biggest red flag, in my opinion, since this is the weather where Omanyte, Kabuto, Anorith, and Lileep can all have a greater chance at spawning. During Partly Cloudy weather in specific, this is when an incorrect weather condition will normally be registered.With all of the factors that I've just listed, it's hard not to notice that something's amiss in Pokémon GO.While this specific quest is not a quintessential part of the Pokémon GO experience, it would be nice to feel like one can make progress at a fairly constant rate. Adding Cubone, Anorith, Lileep, Omanyte and Kabuto to Field Research would be a small improvement but go a long way. via /r/pokemongo https://ift.tt/2QpZLS5
"Let's Go, Meltan Quest Progression Throttle"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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