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"[Art] PVP with three Jolteons"

#PokemonGO: been running three Jolteons at local PVP test tournaments and it's been a great time.Q: What do you do against Ground-types?A: Die, quickly and unceremoniously.Q: Are you seriously running three Jolteons.A: Yes, really.Q: Why tho.A: I like Jolteon.Q: Is Jolteon actually any good?A: So far 3x Jolteon has won 5 individual 3v3 rounds and has had a lot of near misses. Opponents have told me they've been forced to bench half their 6 registered because of Electric-weakness they weren't anticipating and often the remaining are taking neutral damage. I've gained another Last Resort Jolteon since my last tournament and will be unlocking Discharge on both LR-users, so we'll see how that helps.Q: That's so much dust...A: Jolteon deserves the best.Q: Aren't you worried about your ranking?A: I'll worry about it once I can see it. :V via /r/pokemongo
"[Art] PVP with three Jolteons" "[Art] PVP with three Jolteons" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:37 Rating: 5

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