"A new PvP format: The bug contest"

#PokemonGO: In my local community (and I read that other communities have that problem as well) the interest in PvP battles is decreasing. The somewhat casual players show very little initiative to play battles and also seem to be a bit scared to play against the more hardcore players. However the following idea caught more interest and will be executed when weather allows for it.The bug contest from the show and the gen 2 gameboy games can be brought to Pokemon Go with trainer battles. The idea is as follows: Everyone meets at the same point and catches together a Pokemon they can reach. This is their most recent Pokemon. From that point on everyone gets an hour (or other time window) to catch Pokemon (preferably alone). At the end of the hour everyone is expected to show up at a certain location. It is important that everyone gets there on time to avoid discussion. At the location a PvP tournament takes place where each player can only use Pokemon caught in the last hour. They can prove this by showing it in recent and showing it is caught after the Pokemon everyone caught at the beginning. To keep things fair (and avoid stardust being used) people should also make a screenshot of the catch screen of the Pokemon they are planning to use to show it is not evolved or powered up.This format is especially fun because it reverts us back to the first moments in the game where we were actively using the near-by filter to hunt down Pokemon. Instead of hunting for rare/new Pokemon people will now hunt for Pokemon that are usually at a high CP when caught. In my biome these are for example Mr Mime, Sudowoodo and Roselia. Another reason people show interest is because it takes away the advantage that hardcore players have because they have more and stronger Pokemon and can afford more second moves. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://bit.ly/2WLW3BI
"A new PvP format: The bug contest"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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