"Pokemon Go saved my life!"
#PokemonGO: I’ve been a super casual player since release but only recently I’ve really got properly into the game. 2 days ago I won my first ever raid, solo! 2 weeks ago I had never even fought in a gym!A few months back I was recovering from a suicide attempt and I needed to make some changes but I didn’t know how. I was stuck in the house a lot paralysed by fear of the outside world. My friend suggested I try walking with music but I wasn’t really keen. Then I remembered PoGo! I visit parks and walk around for 2 hours or so at a time around 4 times a week and the change in my mental state has been amazing. My dark cloud has mostly dissipated and I’m always looking forward to the next time I can get out and walk to see what I can catch or to gather gifts for my friends.Now I might not understand IV’s or too much about battling, I suspect I’m playing the game much differently to most and I only caught my first shiny on Saturday but I am having so much fun and I very much enjoy reading posts here and expanding my knowledge little by little.So to PoGo and to all of you here on this subreddit THANK YOU for giving me my life back! via /r/pokemongo http://bit.ly/2TWXewq
"Pokemon Go saved my life!"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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