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"First time raiding during the noon event, met a lot of fun people. Also lucked out on my first weather boosted 100IV!"

#PokemonGO: I just recently started playing after a long hiatus and am fairly new to raiding. This event brought together a lot of people from my campus and we were able to do about 8-10 raids within the hour. I absolutely loved it. We barely got into the last raid with a few seconds to spare and I lucked out on getting this! The members in the raid group had to show me how to throw excellent curve balls, it was awesome.Giratina 100IV via /r/pokemongo
"First time raiding during the noon event, met a lot of fun people. Also lucked out on my first weather boosted 100IV!" "First time raiding during the noon event, met a lot of fun people. Also lucked out on my first weather boosted 100IV!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:23 Rating: 5

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