"Gengar vs. Giratina-O: is it an "and", or an "either / or"?"

#PokemonGO: Gengar (Shadow Claw / Lick) has been replaced as top Ghost by Giratina Origin. Gengar's stupid DPS (+36 base ATT stat) could not compete with Giratina's incredible bulk, since Gengar is squishy and weak to psychic and ghost, the two things it's supposed to prey on.While Gengar shines in the early seconds of the raid, the amount of rejoins you need compared with Giratina make you lose so much time that its DPS becomes inferior to Giratina's when taking in account the "bench time" (therefore in simulators, Giratina has inferior DPS but better TTW).The thing that crossed my mind a while ago and I had been wondering about: what if we use them both? Gengar has superior DPS for the short time that it lives. Giratina generally has a better TTW. What if a Gengar + Giratina party achieves a better performance than a Giratina-only party?I tried a few simulations on Pokebattler with Lick / Shadow Ball Gengars and Giratina Origins (all 100%, all at lvl 40) and used parties with a 6/0, 4/2, 3/3, 2/4 and 0/6 split (Gengar / Giratina). The opponent was a level 5 Uxie raid boss, facing 4 best friend trainers. Rejoin time 5 seconds, no dodging.Now, I didn't run too many scenarios, because I don't really know how to generate bulk results nor how to optimize the simulation to provide the info we're looking for, nor am I absolutely sure I'm interpreting the data right, but here's what I found (ranking by "Damage per trainer"):Extrasensory / Swift: the 4/2 party has an edge over the 6/0 party which is runner-up. Gengar shines here because a weak fast move and double-resistance to Normal make it not-so-squishy.Extrasensory / Future Sight: the 0/6 party wins, and the results are clear: the more Giratinas in your party, the better you'll fare.Extrasensory / Thunder: Giratina resists Thunder (Dragon) but 6/0 still wins. 4/2 and 3/3 are next, but 0/6 outperforms 2/4.Confusion / Swift: 6/0 wins here, but 3/3 edges out 4/2 for #2.Confusion / Future Sight: 0/6 wins here, no surprise, but 3/3 edges out 2/4 for #2.Confusion / Thunder: 6/0 wins, 0/6 in second, mixed parties are inferior.Conclusion / TLDR: Well, this is pretty much non-conclusive. While there are occasions where a mixed party may be better, this is entirely dependent on the opponent, moveset, and raid partners.Additionally, I'm honestly unsure if my simulation is the adequate for the study I'm trying to do. I think this merits further investigation, but I'm not sure how, and it may very well be that there's too much variance for this to matter. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://bit.ly/2vwgSo5
"Gengar vs. Giratina-O: is it an "and", or an "either / or"?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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