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"Lake Trio improved overpass-turbo query"

#PokemonGO: Following the research done by u/exiva it's has been found that more tags might also be suitable.​u/exiva considers natural=water as a confirmed tag and both water=lake and natural=lake as potentials. Checking the data of Madrid most of the features with the tag natural=water also have the other ones so I'll not do any modification in this part.​New tagswaterway: there has been some reddit post saying some spawns were near streams ( and cover this spawns I have included the following tags: waterway=stream, waterway=drain, waterway=canal, waterway=river (thanks u/mamamia1001 for some of the tags).natural=beach, natural=wetland and wetland=tidalflat: also as pointed out by u/mamamia1001 (, he found that these tags also correspond to some of the spawns.relation: u/DarthMewtwo shared an example ( that does not correspond to any of the previous tags but it's near a lake. After taking a look in OSM and overpass I managed to trigger the lake in overpass-turbo with relation[water=lake] or relation[natural=water]. I've also included relation[natural=lake] in order to include all the tags from u/exiva.​If you include all that's new, here is a new overpass-turbo query:​Warning: this query might include huge polygons so it’s better running the query with a computer.​It seems that (most or) all OSM features that make water biome spawns are suitable (but at this point it's more an opinion that a fact). via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Lake Trio improved overpass-turbo query" "Lake Trio improved overpass-turbo query" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:13 Rating: 5

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