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"In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.147.1 (Team Rocket Invasion Raid-Like Battles!)"

#PokemonGO: Looks like the purified and shadow pokemon found in the last update got a big update! A lot of the Team Rocket existence was found by Kelven91 already so I won't go into too much detail about that stuff, but I found some pretty interesting things that help expand how all of that will work and it sounds an awful lot like a new form of raid battles to me.​Let's get started!​HighlightsTeam Rocket Grunts addedInvasion and Incidents that play out like Raid Battles with battles and encountersShadow and Purified pokemon, what looks like capturing shadow mons and then purifying themParticle MinigameNew badges, moves, quests​InvasionsThese are pretty interesting! From what I can tell, a Pokestop either gets invaded or has an incident (that part I'm not sure about), a grunt of a various type is then assigned to it and you have to then battle the grunt (or grunts as some parts suggest). If you win, then you have a chance at catching the shadow pokemon. These feel very similar to raids to me. After you catch the shadow mon though, it appears you either get to purify it (either by catching it or by unlocking another move, that part is also unclear).​Let's take a deeper look!​CHARACTER_BLANCHE CHARACTER_CANDELA CHARACTER_SPARK CHARACTER_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_BUG_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_BUG_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_DARKNESS_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_DARKNESS_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_DARK_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_DARK_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_DRAGON_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_DRAGON_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_FAIRY_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_FAIRY_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_FIGHTING_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_FIGHTING_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_FIRE_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_FIRE_GRUNT_MALEC HARACTER_FLYING_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_FLYING_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_GRASS_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_GRASS_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_GROUND_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_GROUND_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_ICE_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_ICE_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_METAL_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_METAL_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_NORMAL_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_NORMAL_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_POISON_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_POISON_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_PSYCHIC_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_PSYCHIC_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_ROCK_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_ROCK_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_WATER_GRUNT_FEMALE CHARACTER_WATER_GRUNT_MALE CHARACTER_PLAYER_TEAM_LEADER InvasionCharacterExpression PLACEHOLDER_1 PLACEHOLDER_2 PLACEHOLDER_3 PLACEHOLDER_4 CharacterCategory TEAM_LEADERGRUNT As already reported, nothing new to see here - it's the list of all possible grunts and their leaders.​POKESTOP_NORMAL POKESTOP_ROCKET_INVASION POKESTOP_ROCKET_VICTORY .get_PokestopImageUri .set_PokestopImageUri .get_PokestopDisplay .set_PokestopDisplay Pokestop types as reported. Appears to be how these invasions start.​.get_InvasionNpcDisplaySettings .set_InvasionNpcDisplaySettings INVASION .get_WithInvasionCharacter .set_WithInvasionCharacter .get_WithPokemonAlignment .set_WithPokemonAlignment .get_NpcId .set_NpcId .get_Style .set_Style Appears to choose the grunt and then align their pokemon. Perhaps it's similar to the gym battle screen we see now but not sure.​SOLO_INVASION As reported as well. This suggests (and a few other things later on) that this can be done as a group or solo.​UNDEFINED_INVASION_EVENT INVASION_NPC_TAP INVASION_BATTLE_STARTED INVASION_BATTLE_FINISHED INVASION_ENCOUNTER_STARTED INVASION_ENCOUNTER_FINISHED INVASION_POKEMON_PURIFIED .get_InvasionBattle .set_InvasionBattle .get_InvasionEncounter .set_InvasionEncounter .get_InvasionTelemetryId .set_InvasionTelemetryId .get_IncidentSettings .set_IncidentSettings Seems like it's similar to raid bosses where you have a battle then you have an encounter to catch the shadow Pokemon.​.get_IncidentId .set_IncidentId .get_CurrentStep .set_CurrentStep .get_Step .get_CompletionDisplay Unclear what steps are but they seem to be related to what step of the invasion you are on.​.get_IncidentLookup .set_IncidentLookup .get_Incident .set_Incident ERROR_INCIDENT_COMPLETED .set_StepCompleteInvasionDialogueOut .get_IncidentStartMs .set_IncidentStartMs .get_IncidentExpirationMs .set_IncidentExpirationMs .get_HideIncident .set_HideIncident .get_IncidentCompleted .set_IncidentCompleted .get_CharacterDisplay .set_CharacterDisplay .get_InvasionFinished .set_InvasionFinished Not sure what the incident itself is, but it appears an incident happens during or maybe before the invasion as it's related to the steps found above?​.get_UpdatedStamina .set_UpdatedStamina .get_HealthUpdate .get_CompleteBattle .set_CompleteBattleHealth I'm assuming health and stamina are the same thing in this case and I would assume this is your health as the grunt's mon does damage to you.​.get_BattleSuccess .set_BattleSuccess .get_PostBattleFriendlyRemaining .set_PostBattleFriendlyRemaining .get_PostBattleEnemyRemaining .set_PostBattleEnemyRemaining .get_EncounterSuccess .set_EncounterSuccess .get_InvasionId .set_Invasion Defentially looks like raids to me, you have the battle then you have the encounter. Interesting about friendly and enemy remaining, is this a group activity where your peers can actually faint out and not re-join?​.get_BallsDisplay .set_BallsDisplay EncounterPokemon .get_BaseNumBalls .set_BaseNumBalls .get_PokemonPurifiedNumBalls .set_PokemonPurifiedNumBalls .get_GruntsDefeatedNumBalls .set_GruntsDefeatedNumBalls .get_PokemonRemainingNumBalls .set_PokemonRemainingNumBalls Like raid bosses, here you get a certain number of balls as your base, then bonus for number of mons you were able to purify, and number of grunts you beat (which suggest you face more than one). Remaining balls feels like remaining balls as in raid bosses.​.get_PokestopDialogue .set_PokestopDialogue Perhaps to describe the invasion on the map level.​.get_NumGruntsDefeated .set_NumGruntsDefeated Probably for the badge below.​Particle Minigame.get_EnableParticleMinigame .set_EnableParticleMinigame Not sure where this fits into the Invasion and there were no other references to it but it was with Invasion code.Shadow and Purified Pokemon.set_Shadow .get_PurifiedPokemon .set_PurifiedPokemon ShadowFieldNumbershadow Was found with pokemon information like buddy distance and moves.​SHADOWRATTATA PURIFIEDRATICATE SHADOWRATICATE PURIFIEDZUBAT NORMALZUBAT SHADOWZUBAT PURIFIEDGOLBAT NORMALGOLBAT SHADOWGOLBAT PURIFIEDBULBASAUR SHADOWBULBASAUR PURIFIEDIVYSAUR NORMALIVYSAUR SHADOWIVYSAUR PURIFIEDVENUSAUR NORMALVENUSAUR SHADOWVENUSAUR PURIFIEDCHARMANDER SHADOWCHARMANDER PURIFIEDCHARMELEON NORMALCHARMELEON SHADOWCHARMELEON PURIFIEDCHARIZARD SHADOWCHARIZARD PURIFIEDSQUIRTLE SHADOWSQUIRTLE PURIFIEDWARTORTLE NORMALWARTORTLE SHADOWWARTORTLE PURIFIEDBLASTOISE SHADOWBLASTOISE PURIFIEDDRATINI NORMALDRATINI SHADOWDRATINI PURIFIEDDRAGONAIR NORMALDRAGONAIR SHADOWDRAGONAIR PURIFIEDDRAGONITE NORMALDRAGONITE SHADOWDRAGONITE PURIFIEDSNORLAX NORMALSNORLAX SHADOWSNORLAX PURIFIEDCROBAT NORMALCROBAT SHADOWCROBAT PURIFIEDMUDKIP NORMALMUDKIP SHADOWMUDKIP PURIFIEDMARSHTOMP NORMALMARSHTOMP SHADOWMARSHTOMP PURIFIEDSWAMPERT NORMALSWAMPERT SHADOWSWAMPERT PURIFIED As reported, all the new specific mon forms.​.get_PurificationStardustNeeded .set_PurificationStardustNeeded .get_PurificationCandyNeeded .set_PurificationCandyNeeded .get_PurifiedChargeMove .set_PurifiedChargeMove .get_ShadowChargeMove .set_ShadowChargeMove Looks like purified and shadow forms will have their own set of charge moves with their own candy and dust costs.​.set_ShadowStardustMultiplier .get_ShadowCandyMultiplier .set_ShadowCandyMultiplier .get_PurifiedStardustMultiplier .set_PurifiedStardustMultiplier .get_PurifiedCandyMultiplier .set_PurifiedCandyMultiplier In addition, the candy and dust cost can be multiplied independently too.​.get_CannotBeRerolledWithTm .set_CannotBeRerolledWithTm The moves appear to not be re-rollable.​.get_NumPokemonPurified .set_NumPokemonPurified Probably for the badge below.New BadgesBADGE_POKEMON_PURIFIED BADGE_ROCKET_GRUNTS_DEFEATED The new badges that were reported.New Moves.V0322_MOVE_FRUSTRATION .V0323_MOVE_RETURN .V0324_MOVE_SYNCHRONOISE As reported, perhaps specific to Shadow mons?New QuestsQUEST_BATTLE_TEAM_ROCKET QUEST_PURIFY_POKEMON Two new quests added.Route Maker ItemITEM_TYPE_ROUTE_MAKER As reported, most likely related to the invasion process.Loss Tutorial.get_ModelName .set_ModelName .get_TutorialOnLossString .set_TutorialOnLossStringModel Was with the invasion code, so might be related.​Removed Stuffapp_icon_custom_coloured.png np_webview_back_button_normal.png np_webview_close_button_normal.png np_webview_forward_button_normal.png np_webview_reload_button_normal.png ic_launcher.png np_progressbar_layout.xml np_webview_layout.xml nativeplugins_file_paths.xml smali\com\voxelbusters Mostly generic icons again, like the last update. Probably just further cleaning up the code. A ton of references to these files was also removed across several files.​Links and Notes:APK MirrorSize difference: -391 KB via /r/TheSilphRoad
"In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.147.1 (Team Rocket Invasion Raid-Like Battles!)" "In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.147.1 (Team Rocket Invasion Raid-Like Battles!)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:12 Rating: 5

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