"Masuda response still makes no sense in a technical level."

I'm just going to leave a few points here:Witcher 3 and Dragon Quest XL, arguably the biggest games on Switch currently, take up 32GB of space, and were ported with all it's content.Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon with all of it's content +807 Pokémon, animations etc. (and one of the largest 3Ds games) is 3.8 GB in size.Each Pokémon in USUM .pkm file is roughly 220 bytes.There are 807 Pokemon currently (not including alternate forms) which in total is 177.540 bytes , or 0.177540 megabyte, the new models shouldn't be much higer than that in value as they are basically the same from it's 3ds predecessors but with higher quality.You were able to have 960 Pokémon in storage at total in USUM, which would roughly take 202,752,000'bytes from the cardridge, which is 0.06336% of the total capacity of a switch game cardtridge.There's no reason to believe that Game Freak couldn't add all the Pokémon into the game, there's more than enough space and power on the Switch to do it , and everything in the game looks subpar compared to older titles, specially during the gameplay trailers, the quality of the game in general compared to older titles like Breath of The Wild which have a much better texture and animation work than in Pokémon Sword and Shield, and that game is huge (like, really huge) and that game takes only 13.4 GB. via /r/pokemon https://ift.tt/2RHuDLb
"Masuda response still makes no sense in a technical level."
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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