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"[Phase 2] Compilation of all Team Rocket grunt lineups - we need your help!"

#PokemonGO: I started this post a few days ago for everyone to report all grunt teams they encountered in Team Rocket battles. Since new Shadow Pokémon have been added recently, I think it's a good time to start afresh and verify what new teams are added, and what old teams remain! Please report the team that Team Rocket grunts used in the exact order**, as well as the hint you see when you click the "battle" button.**Important: Please report BOTH OLD and new lineups if you see the old lineup in italics**! We want to make sure the old ones (like Bulbasaur and Zubat ones) still exist.**The Team Rocket grunt gives hints on the type of their strongest Pokémon (yet to confirm if it's always the third). You will always be catching either the first or the second Pokémon that they used. (This was changed roughly when the Ekans/Koffing event started.)Italics indicate teams that were spotted in the first week of Team Rocket release, but has not yet been verified after the Shadow Pokémon pool expansion.Many of the "Best counter" recommendations may need updating since new Pokémon are available. Feel free to post your suggestions!Last updated: August 2 11:46am UTC.​"Go, my super bug Pokémon!": Strongest Pokémon is Bug typeScyther, Scyther, ScytherScyther, Scyther, ScizorScyther, Scizor, ScytherScyther, Scizor, Scizor"Wherever is a light, there is also shadow.": Strongest Pokémon is Dark type(No reports yet)"ROAR! ... How'd that sound?": Strongest Pokémon is Dragon type or Gyarados (Edit: Actually a different dialogue seems to pop up. I can't recall what it was)(Best counter: Mamoswine, Dialga, Meteor Mash Metagross; Tyranitar if facing Snorlax)Dratini, Dratini, DragonairDratini, Dratini, GyaradosDratini, Dragonair, DragonairDratini, Dragonair, GyaradosDratini, Dratini, DragoniteDratini, Dragonair, DragoniteGolbat, Golbat, Dragonite (Dialogue unknown)Snorlax, Dragonite, DragoniteSnorlax, Snorlax, DragoniteSnorlax, Charizard, Dragonite"Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can get?": Strongest Pokémon is Fire type(Best counter: Smack Down Tyranitar/Rhyperior)Charmander, Charmeleon, CharmeleonCharmander, Houndoom, CharmeleonCharmander, Houndoom, HoundoomHoundour, Houndoom, HoundoomHoundour, Houndoom, CharmeleonRattata, Houndoom, CharizardHoundour, Charmeleon, CharizardCharmander, Charmander, CharmeleonCharmander, Charmander, CharizardCharmander, Ivysaur, CharizardRattata, Charmander, CharmeleonRattata, Charmeleon, CharmeleonSquirtle, Wartortle, Charizard (Dialogue not confirmed)Zubat, Charmander, CharmeleonZubat, Golbat, Charizard (Could be flying dialogue)(Some additional teams with Charizard closer are in the Flying dialogue session. Need to confirm whether they can show up with Fire dialogues.)"My bird Pokémon wants to battle with you!": Strongest Pokémon is Flying type(Best counter: Smack Down Tyranitar)Golbat, Scyther, DragoniteZubat, Crobat, GyaradosGolbat, Crobat, GyaradosZubat, Scyther, GyaradosGolbat, Scyther, CrobatGolbat, Crobat, DragoniteZubat, Crobat, CrobatGolbat, Golbat, GolbatGolbat, Crobat, CrobatZubat, Golbat, CharizardGolbat, Crobat, CharizardZubat, Crobat, Dragonite"Don't tangle with us": Strongest Pokémon is Grass type(Best counter: Moltres, Charizard)Bulbasaur, Bulbasaur, IvysaurBulbasaur, Bulbasaur, VenusaurBulbasaur, Ivysaur, IvysaurBulbasaur, Ivysaur, VenusaurSquirtle, Ivysaur, VenusaurRattata, Bulbasaur, IvysaurRattata, Bulbasaur, VenusaurZubat, Ivysaur, Venusaur"You'll be defeated into the ground!": Strongest Pokémon is Ground typeCubone, Cubone, MarowakCubone, Cubone, RaticateCubone, Marowak, RaticateCubone, Marowak, MarowakRattata, Raticate, MarowakRattata, Marowak, MarowakCubone, Raticate, Raticate“Normal doesn't mean weak.”: Strongest Pokémon is Normal type(Best counter: Tyranitar, Meteor Mash Metagross (if Snorlax doesn't have Lick); Put Mamoswine for Dragonite or a rock type for Charizard/Crobat)Rattata, Raticate, RaticateRattata, Raticate, SnorlaxRattata, Rattata, RaticateRattata, Rattata, SnorlaxZubat, Rattata, RaticateSnorlax, Snorlax, SnorlaxSnorlax, Charizard, SnorlaxSnorlax, Dragonite, Snorlax(Some additional teams with Dragonite closer are in the Flying dialogue session. Need to confirm whether they can show up with Dragon dialogues.)"Coiled and ready to strike!": Strongest Pokémon is Poison type(Best counter: Smack Down Tyranitar, Moltres)Zubat, Muk, GolbatZubat, Muk, CrobatGrimer, Muk, GolbatGrimer, Muk, MukZubat, Grimer, MukZubat, Muk, MukBulbasaur, Grimer, IvysaurBulbasaur, Grimer, MukBulbasaur, Muk, GolbatBulbasaur, Golbat, MukGrimer, Grimer, IvysaurZubat, Golbat, CrobatZubat, Ivysaur, CrobatGolbat, Golbat, CrobatGolbat, Crobat, CrobatBulbasaur, Zubat, GolbatBulbasaur, Golbat, CrobatBulbasaur, Ivysaur, GolbatSnorlax, Snorlax, CrobatSnorlax, Dragonite, CrobatSnorlax, Charizard, Crobat(Some additional teams with Golbat or Crobat closer are in the Flying dialogue session. Need to confirm whether they can show up with Poison dialogues.)"Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?": Strongest Pokémon is Psychic typeDrowzee, Drowzee, HypnoDrowzee, Hypno, HypnoZubat, Drowzee, HypnoRattata, Drowzee, HypnoRattata, Hypno, Hypno"These waters are treacherous!": Strongest Pokémon is Water type(Best counter: Roserade, Sceptile, Venusaur) - Do NOT use electric types! They'll get destroyed by Marshtomp and Swampert.Poliwag, Poliwhirl, PoliwrathPoliwag, Poliwhirl, PolitoedMagikarp, Magikarp, MagikarpSquirtle, Squirtle, SwampertSquirtle, Wartortle, BlastoiseSquirtle, Wartortle, SwampertSquirtle, Marshtomp, BlastoiseSquirtle, Marshtomp, SwampertMudkip, Wartortle, BlastoiseMudkip, Marshtomp, SwampertRattata, Marshtomp, SwampertZubat, Squirtle, WartortleZubat, Wartortle, BlastoiseZubat, Marshtomp, BlastoiseZubat, Wartortle, SwampertZubat, Marshtomp, SwampertCharmander, Wartortle, Blastoise"Winning is for winners.", "Don't bother, I've already won.", "Get ready to be defeated": Random (Any of the 3 prompts could appear)Here are the teams reported so far with any of the 3 dialogues:Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, CharizardBulbasaur, Charmeleon, CharizardBulbasaur, Charmeleon, BlastoiseSnorlax, Snorlax, SnorlaxSnorlax, Snorlax, GyaradosSnorlax, Snorlax, DragoniteSnorlax, Poliwrath, SnorlaxSnorlax, Poliwrath, GyaradosSnorlax, Poliwrath, DragoniteSnorlax, Venusaur, SnorlaxSnorlax, Venusaur, DragoniteSnorlax, Venusaur, GyaradosSnorlax, Dragonite, CrobatBulbasaur, Ivysaur, VenusaurCharmander, Charmeleon, VenusaurSquirtle, Ivysaur, VenusaurSquirtle, Charmeleon, VenusaurSquirtle, Wartortle, VenusaurBulbasaur, Wartortle, CharizardCharmander, Carmeleon, CharizardCharmander, Wartortle, CharizardSquirtle, Charmeleon, CharizardBulbasaur, Wartortle, BlastoiseCharmander, Wartortle, BlastoiseSquirtle, Ivysaur, BlastoiseSquirtle, Charmeleon, BlastoiseSnorlax, Charizard, SnorlaxSnorlax, Dragonite, SnorlaxSnorlax, Dragonite, DragoniteSnorlax, Charizard, CrobatSnorlax, Snorlax, Golbat (unsure - only report of Golbat in this category)I'll try to keep the list updated!For more info on what the dialogue hint means, refer to this post. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"[Phase 2] Compilation of all Team Rocket grunt lineups - we need your help!" "[Phase 2] Compilation of all Team Rocket grunt lineups - we need your help!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:57 Rating: 5

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