"Quick analysis of 10k egg drop change since Friday"

#PokemonGO: Hi all, many people have noticed an apparent increase in 10k egg drop rate since Friday. In case anybody's trying to make an immediate decision about whether this makes it worthwhile to buy more incubators tonight or tomorrow, I've done a quick analysis on my pre-Friday 10k drop rate vs. Fri-and-after. I don't have the biggest sample size - foot injuries made me stop walking today - but just in case this is useful for any incubator-purchase decisions:graphStatistical results: A quick simple chi-square analysis comparing pre-Friday eggs to Fri+Sat eggs (divided by egg pickup date, not egg hatch date) indicates the 2/5/10 distribution has changed significantly since Friday morning (P<0.0001). It appears that what has happened is that 2k's have reduced, 5k's did not change, and 10k's have increased. I can't be confident of the exact amount of the change (though it looks roughly that 2k's dropped to ~1/3 of their prior rate, while 10k's approximately tripled), but I am confident 2k's decreased and 10k's increased.HOWEVER - I don't have a large enough n to verify whether Unown specifically has definitely increased. I hatched 1 Unown in 80 eggs before Friday, and since Friday morning I have only hatched 1 more Unown, in 46 eggs. If I put this through a chi-square is not a significantly different Unown drop rate (P = 0.44), but my n is so low for Unown hatches that statistical power (ability to detect a real difference) is quite low.So - if you do buy more incubators, be aware that even though 10k's are more common, most 10k's you hatch will still not be Unowns. My 10k sample size isn't sufficient to really study the fine details of the 10k species breakdown statistically, but just for the record, my 10k's since Friday included: 7 Beldum, 5 Larvitar, 2 Feebas, and one each of Absol, Sableye, Shinx, Slakoth and Unown.If others want to add their data, what would be useful is pre-Friday vs. "Fri-and-after" (pickup date, not hatch date) 2k/5k/10k egg numbers, along with the species breakdown of the 10k's. via /r/TheSilphRoad https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/d14era/quick_analysis_of_10k_egg_drop_change_since_friday/?utm_source=ifttt
"Quick analysis of 10k egg drop change since Friday"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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