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"So the spawn issue is one thing...but is anyone noticing something up with catch and flee rates?"

#PokemonGO: Okay, this is purely anecdotal based on my friend's and my own experiences since the Great Spawn Debacle of 2019, but has anyone else felt like all of a sudden there's something fishy going on with catch and flee rates? It feels like, out of nowhere, pokemon are suddenly fleeing a lot more often, breaking out a lot more often, and generally just...making me waste pokeballs more. (I'm tempted to put on my tinfoil hat and take it a step further, wondering if this was a quiet adjustment aimed at potentially making people spend more money on pokeballs if they're running out quicker...) This is the first time my stock of regular ones has dipped so low (I generally have over a hundred and now I'm under fifty and rapidly waning) and I'm having to use more great/ultras more to guarantee catches and not waste the regulars. Even then, a seemingly inordinate number of low CP 'mons are fleeing... (I'm looking at you, pidove that snubbed immediately me after I gave you a berry and great ball)I'm apparently one of the extremely lucky few whose home/work spawns were actually positively/neutrally impacted, so maybe it's something that's happening but not as apparent yet since people aren't catching as much?...but yeah, I can't help but feel that something is it just me? Has anyone else noticed a change in this regard? via /r/pokemongo
"So the spawn issue is one thing...but is anyone noticing something up with catch and flee rates?" "So the spawn issue is one thing...but is anyone noticing something up with catch and flee rates?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:49 Rating: 5

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