"The legend of Gible: an exposition"
#PokemonGO: With the release of another wave of Gen. 5 pokemon I figured this would be a great time to post this observation. For some context I'm a daily player; I'm by far not the most hardcore player out there, especially with being halfway through a graduate program, but I make it a point to get my daily stamp, partake in community days, try to fill my dex, etc. That being said, I was ecstatic when the Gen. 3 pseudos were released. I mean, who doesn't love Metagross and Salamence? They're top-tier and were absolutely worthy of a community day. Moreover, because I'm not the most serious player out there I already limit myself to the distance I log each week and the number of eggs I hatch -- and that's an important sidebar to this post. However, I do try to at the very least get the 5k rewards and hatch a few eggs. I enjoy playing the game and that is ultimately what matters because, after all, it is a game.Coming back to the Gen 3. psuedos, despite their rarity in the wild (because, you know, pseudo-legendary tier) and odds of hatching from a 10k, I was able to rack up enough candy to evolve one of each by the time Bagon and Beldum got their respective community days. Its not an impressive feat, but it made me happy knowing I already had one of those chonky bois to use as a raid counter or a gym defender before the community day. For some reference, Bagon and Beldum were both released in February 2018. Beldum received its community day 8 months later in October 2018, while Bagon received its community day 14 months later in April of 2019 (source -- community day history).And now to the purpose of this post: Gible. Gible, and its evolutions, was released in May of 2019. I live in Texas where its frequently sunny and yet -- despite the weather boost, and Gible now being available in the game for 8 months -- I have still never seen one. Of course that isn't to say it never spawns. I occasionally check the local discord to see messages of how a Gible showed up somewhere in the DFW metroplex a few nights prior, or I'll check a gym and see a big 'ole Garchomp holding down the fort. And yet me being a daily player, much like the countless others, has yet to see (or hatch) a Gible in the 8 months it has been out there. I know weather boosts and biomes make a big difference, but anecdotally speaking I would have caught, hatched, and walked a Gible enough by now to have a Garchomp, if it held the same rates of Bagon and Beldum after their release.To clear up some of the murkiness, the egg pools got a much needed revamp in December of 2019, and that list was updated again within the last day or two to accommodate the release of additional Gen. 5 pokemon. Until that December update Gible shared a spot in the pool of 10k eggs with two dozen other pokemon, 8 of which already had their own community days. Additionally, for the October 2019 egg shake-up, Mareep and Trapinch were moved from 10k to 5k eggs. Considering how hatching 10k eggs is one of the best ways to get those top-tier pokemon, one would think that Gible would at least hatch occasionally. u/PM_ME_YOUR_WHALE posted a masterpiece during the Unown event last year (link to their post) and noted 170 hatches from 10k eggs. Highlighting their results, of those 10k eggs, 27 different species were hatched (this is lumping each individual Unown letter into one group, as to not grant each letter a different species). Of those 27 different species that hatched, 6 of them already had their own community day. Additionally, those 6 previous community day pokemon accounted for 59 of the total 170 hatches. Gible accounted for 1 -- that's hatching at a rate of 0.59% per 10k hatches, and a rate of 0.14% per all 731 eggs hatched during the event.u/bolete_eater made an excellent proposal to remedy Gible's rarity such as in their post about make Gible a research task reward for 3 excellent curveball throws in a row. I know this might seem like another "I still don't have one, woe is me" kind of post, but in my own experience Gible has yet to appear in any way, silhouette, or form. Realistically, it shouldn't be that hard to encounter or hatch. But I will still continue to play the game, and still continue to hope for my first little land shark. via /r/pokemongo https://ift.tt/2QHstfw
"The legend of Gible: an exposition"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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