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"Text Update 08-05-20 - Raid pass not consumed on use, stickers, Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 special research and more"

#PokemonGO: A new text update was just pushed to the game and in it we found various interesting snippetsRaid pass refundIt would appear raid passes will not be consumed until you start to fight the raid boss. Joining empty lobbies will no longer be a worry!RESOURCE ID: raid_leave_lobby_prompt_ticket_return TEXT: If you leave this group before the battle starts, your pass will be returned to you, but you won’t be able to rejoin the same group. Do you want to leave this group? RESOURCE ID: use_raid_ticket_confirmation_ticket_return TEXT: Join the Raid Battle (A pass will be used when the battle starts) StickersMore information on stickers, it seems you'll send these stickers to friends in some way.RESOURCE ID: add_stickers_button TEXT: ADD STICKER RESOURCE ID: change_stickers_button TEXT: CHANGE STICKER RESOURCE ID: shop_sticker TEXT: STICKERS RESOURCE ID: sticker_empty_inventory TEXT: No stickers to send. You can get stickers from Gifts or the shop. RESOURCE ID: test_sticker_1_name TEXT: test sticker name Bundles and Free In-app purchasesA new free daily box, a general bonus box and no cost category - finally you won't need to pay the 1 coin it will just be free.RESOURCE ID: TEXT: DAILY BONUS BOX RESOURCE ID: TEXT: BONUS BOX RESOURCE ID: iap_category_free TEXT: NO COST Incense day and Meltan boxYou'll soon get an error telling you can use incense and meltan box at the same time.SOURCE ID: cannot_use_mystery_box_and_incense TEXT: You can’t use the Mystery Box and an Incense at the same time. RESOURCE ID: incense_day_pokemon_carvanha TEXT: Carvanha attracted by Incense Remote Raid DayWe found this before but worth mentioning it was now updated to explicitly mention remote raid passesRESOURCE ID: five_free_raid_passes_remote TEXT: Raid Day box with Remote Raid Passes available in the shop Online Status/Last PlayedThe game will soon allow you to see your friends online status or when they last logged in(if they opt in/don't opt out)RESOURCE ID: last_played_date_setting_description TEXT: Let my friends see info about the last time I played a Niantic game. RESOURCE ID: last_played_today TEXT: Last Played: Today RESOURCE ID: last_played_two_plus_days_ago TEXT: Last Played: 2+ days ago RESOURCE ID: last_played_yesterday TEXT: Last Played: Yesterday Link to other games and privacy settingsNiantic want to keep you on board and they will start to show you info about their other gamesRESOURCE ID: friend_niantic_game_preview_list_title TEXT: Other Niantic Games to Share RESOURCE ID: niantic_game_preview_list_title TEXT: Other Niantic Games to Try Also looks like some new privacy settings are comingRESOURCE ID: niantic_profile_privacy_settings_title TEXT: Privacy Settings RESOURCE ID: get_privacy_settings_error_message TEXT: Could not retrieve your privacy settings. RESOURCE ID: set_privacy_settings_error_message TEXT: Could not set your privacy settings. Go Battle LeagueUpdates for GBL to handle errors in the premier cup with using invalid PokemonRESOURCE ID: league_ruleset_error_party TEXT: This party has Pokémon which can't be used in this Cup. RESOURCE ID: league_ruleset_error_pokemon TEXT: This Pokémon can't be used in this Cup. RESOURCE ID: league_ruleset_info_subtitle TEXT: These Pokémon aren't allowed in this Cup. RESOURCE ID: league_ruleset_info_title TEXT: Premier Cup Rules RESOURCE ID: league_ruleset_label TEXT: Limited Selection MiscOther bits we found that are worth mentioingRESOURCE ID: limited_research TEXT: Limited Research RESOURCE ID: limited_research_snubbull TEXT: Snubbull Limited Research RESOURCE ID: timed_research_pokemon_snubbull TEXT: Snubbull featured in Timed Research RESOURCE ID: login_not_removable_error_message TEXT: Can’t unlink this account. Please link another login method before unlinking this one. RESOURCE ID: login_taken_error_message TEXT: This account is already linked to a different player. Throwback Challenge Champion 2020The throwback challenge texts have been added, looks like it will be 5 steps.RESOURCE ID: quest_title_tcc TEXT: Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 RESOURCE ID: quest_title_tcc_0 TEXT: Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 (1/5) Willows DialogueRESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_0_0 TEXT: Hi there, %PLAYERNAME%. I can’t help but be impressed by your progress. You’ve done fantastic work in researching Pokémon originally discovered in the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh regions. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_0_1 TEXT: Now that we’ve researched Pokémon that were found in those regions... RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_0_2 TEXT: let’s take a closer look at Pokémon originally discovered in the Unova region! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_0_3 TEXT: I think it’s fascinating that even though we know a lot about Pokémon from all over the world, there’s always more to learn! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_0_4 TEXT: Speaking of discoveries, I’ve been doing some additional research and heard about an interesting phenomenon that has to do with Meowth in the Galar region. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_0_5 TEXT: I was speaking to a researcher who’s the granddaughter of a colleague from Galar, and she shared some intriguing information. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_0_6 TEXT: It seems that Galarian Meowth lived with seafaring people, which toughened their bodies so much that parts of them turned to iron. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_0_7 TEXT: Maybe I could get a few workout tips—I’ve been looking for some ways to toughen up myself! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_0_8 TEXT: Anyway...let’s do some more research on Pokémon originally discovered in Unova, but be sure to keep your eyes open for other exciting discoveries. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_1_0 TEXT: Wonderful work, Trainer. You might be familiar with the tradition in which a Pokémon Trainer selects their very first partner from a group of three Pokémon. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_1_1 TEXT: These first-partner Pokémon are normally Fire, Water, or Grass types. In Unova, many Trainers choose the Water-type Oshawott as their first-partner Pokémon. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_1_2 TEXT: This Sea Otter Pokémon is known to use the scalchop on its stomach during battle. Isn’t that just adorable? Please continue your research, and let me know your findings. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_2_0 TEXT: I can’t stop thinking about how cute Oshawott is— Oh! You’re back! Excellent work catching that Patrat! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_2_1 TEXT: Now that we’ve researched the Water-type first-partner Pokémon of many Unovan Trainers, let’s shift focus to the Fire-type one—Tepig! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_2_2 TEXT: I’m a particular fan of Tepig because it uses the fireballs that come from its nose to roast Berries. It’s such a clever use of an ability. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_2_3 TEXT: I just love roasted Pinap Berries! We should continue our work and see what else we can discover. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_3_0 TEXT: Being the savvy Trainer you are, I’m sure you know which type of Pokémon we’re going to research next. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_3_1 TEXT: That’s right—Grass type! In Unova, many Trainers choose Snivy, the Grass Snake Pokémon, as their first partner. Snivy is intelligent and calm, and being exposed to lots of sunlight makes it move more swiftly. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_3_2 TEXT: Perhaps there’s a lot we could learn from such a sagacious Pokémon! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_3_3 TEXT: Anyway, let’s get started on these research tasks. Be sure to listen carefully, as you never know what you might encounter! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_4_0 TEXT: You’re a natural, %PLAYERNAME%. I’m so glad we could research some of the amazing Pokémon originally discovered in the Unova region. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_4_1 TEXT: I can’t thank you enough for your hard work. I hope you put this Charged TM and Fast TM to good use! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_4_2 TEXT: By the way, I literally stumbled across a mysterious Pokémon I’ve never encountered before. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_tcc_4_3 TEXT: I think you’re the perfect Trainer to take this Pokémon and help it reach its potential. Best of luck, and I’ll be in touch soon! That was a lot but we're all done now, see ya next time-Pokeminers via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Text Update 08-05-20 - Raid pass not consumed on use, stickers, Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 special research and more" "Text Update 08-05-20 - Raid pass not consumed on use, stickers, Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 special research and more" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:46 Rating: 5

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