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"PokeMiners' In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.191.1"

#PokemonGO: Hello everyone!Christmas came early for us! We wanted to say a big thank you to the folks over at Niantic for this update!0.191.1 in of itself is fairly small, but what it means for us and the community is huge! Not all, but parts of the APK appear to have been de-obfuscated. We need to spend a lot more time with it (basically going over about 6 months worth of educated guessing and piecing things back together), but it appears the Game Master has been de-obfuscated completely which is fantastic! So we'll get to rebuilding that after this teardown is posted. :)We'll be able to confirm as we get deeper into it, but for now, we wanted to get our In-Depth. So let's dive in!APKMirror Download​HighlightsAndroid 11 Snapshot issue fixedLocking Temp Evolutions and Permanent Mega EvolutionsSome code confirmations for some announced upcoming Mega featuresMegas in PVP toggleXL CandySo far we have found you can get XL Candy from feeding Pokemon in gyms and from transferring to HOMEYou can upgrade your Pokemon using XL Candy and there is a candy cost associated with it (for what, we don't know though)More info on Pokemon HOMEAdditional re-enforcement of text updates (Having the Transporter, charging it, etc)Transporter seems to charge per hourPokemon's costs seem related to CP (probably the higher the CP, the more energy it costs to transport it)Disable field to prevent specific Pokemon from transferring overOptional and Mandatory QuestsTag information including tag colours, max number of tags, etcUnopened/Unset Gifts are tracked and sent back to NianticWhat we were calling History, is actually called Capture Origin (seeing where you caught Mons as announced)The game tracks how many Rocket Balloons you do specifically​0.191.1 SpecificallyWe didn't find much specific to 0.191.1 but it's hard to tell as with the removal of the obfuscation, it makes it so a lot of old things appear as new. So we'll just mention that the snapshot issue on Android 11 does appear to be fixed.​---BIG OLD NOTE---From this point on, this is what we have been able to determine is new or confirms previous educated guessing. These are most likely not new in 0.191.1 specifically, but rather new since the obfuscation was added (since 0.177.1). Now that said, let's continue!​Locking Temp Evolution and Permanent Mega Evos.get_TempEvolutionIsLocked .set_TempEvolutionIsLocked .get_LockedTempEvolution .set_LockedTempEvolution TemporaryEvolutionFinishMs TempEvolutionIsLocked LockedTempEvolution We'll see if we can make more sense of this in our digging deeper, but it appears you (or the game) can lock a temp evolution. Unclear what the point of locking is, but perhaps it's related to...​MakeTempEvoPermanent This gem here. We have very little to go off of other than this one method, but it does appear there is some system being developed to make a Mega permanent. We'll have to see what comes of this.​Mega ConfirmationsThese are all things we already knew about, but now we have 'confirmation' from the code.MegaEvoGlobalSettingsProto .get_EnableFriendsListMegaInfo .set_EnableFriendsListMegaInfo As announced, you can see your friend's Mega info on their profile. This is the toggle to turn it on or off.​.get_CandyFromActiveMega .set_CandyFromActiveMega BuddyWalkedMegaEnergyAward Getting candy from catching Pokemon with the same type as your Mega and getting Mega Energy from walking a Mega'ed species.​.get_CpMultiplierOverride .set_CpMultiplierOverride We guessed at the names before, but these are the CP override for special events (Mega Beedrill and Mega Gengar) to give them a higher level.​Megas in PVP.get_AllowTempEvos .set_AllowTempEvos There is a toggle to allow Megas in PVP or not. Up to Niantic when they will flip that switch of course.​XL Candyset_XlCandyAwarded get_XlCandy NumXlCandyAwardedFieldNumber We have some more information about XL Candy. It can be rewarded from feeding Pokemon in Gyms, and you can get it by transferring Pokemon to HOME. There might be more places this shows up as well but this what we were able to find so far.​.get_TotalXlCandyCost .set_TotalXlCandyCost The obfuscated fields in the Pokemon Upgrade settings we found appear to be related to XL Candy. So it looks like you'll use XL Candy to upgrade your Pokemon to... Something? Unclear what at this point.​Pokemon HOMEPokemonHomeProto .get_TransporterEnergy .set_TransporterEnergy .get_TransporterFullyChargedMs .set_TransporterFullyChargedMs .get_LastPassiveTransporterEnergyGainHour .set_LastPassiveTransporterEnergyGainHour TransporterEnergyFieldNumber TransporterFullyChargedMsFieldNumber LastPassiveTransporterEnergyGainHourFieldNumber TransporterEnergy TransporterFullyChargedMs LastPassiveTransporterEnergyGainHour Lots of more information about Pokemon HOME. Helping to back up a lot of our suspicions about how it will work. Things such as the Transporter energy, having the Transporter charge (charges each hour by the looks of it), and when it's fully charged.​PokemonHomeEnergyCostsProto .get_Base .set_Base .get_Cp0To1000 .set_Cp0To1000 .get_Cp1001To2000 .set_Cp1001To2000 .get_Cp2001ToInf .set_Cp2001ToInf This is some new info though, where under the Energy Costs, it's broken down by CP. So sounds like energy costs will be based on what level your Pokemon is as well?​PokemonHomeSettingsProto .get_PlayerMinLevel .set_PlayerMinLevel .get_TransporterMaxEnergy .set_TransporterMaxEnergy .get_EnergySkuId .set_EnergySkuId .get_TransporterEnergyGainPerHour .set_TransporterEnergyGainPerHour And these are those pesky fields in the Game Master, now unobfuscated. So these are the settings we'll be able to see when they are pushed (in addition to what fields they can change once it goes live).​DisableTransferToPokemonHomeFieldNumber And this is the field to disable if a Pokemon can transfer to HOME or not.​Optional and Mandatory Quests.get_MandatoryQuestTemplateId .get_OptionalQuestTemplateId .get_OptionalQuestsCompletedMin .set_OptionalQuestsCompletedMin .get_OptionalQuestsCompletedMax .set_OptionalQuestsCompletedMax We also found several calls to mandatory and optional quests. Perhaps related to the story quests we found?​TagsPokemonTagSettingsProto .get_MinPlayerLevelForPokemonTagging .set_MinPlayerLevelForPokemonTagging .get_ColorBinding .get_MaxNumTagsAllowed .set_MaxNumTagsAllowed .get_TagNameCharacterLimit .set_TagNameCharacterLimit Some confirmation for the new tagging feature, including level gatting it, assigning colours, setting the max number of tags, etc.​Unopened Gifts.get_UnopenedGiftCount .set_UnopenedGiftCount .get_UnsentGiftCount .set_UnsentGiftCount Now, this is in the telemetry section of the code (what reports back to Niantic) but maybe this will be used to help build a better gift sending system?​History / Origin.get_EnableCaptureOriginDetailsDisplay .set_EnableCaptureOriginDetailsDisplay .get_EnableCaptureOriginEventsDisplay .set_EnableCaptureOriginEventsDisplay So what we were calling History appears to actually be called Capture Origin. We were close... Kinda? This is the information they announced that will show how you caught your Pokemon.​Rocket BalloonsBalloonBattlesCompletedFieldNumber balloonBattlesCompleted_ BalloonBattlesWonFieldNumber balloonBattlesWon_ Rocket Balloons track exactly how many you have done. Might be cool for a badge one day.​-PokeMiners via /r/TheSilphRoad
"PokeMiners' In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.191.1" "PokeMiners' In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.191.1" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:09 Rating: 5

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