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"I really want a high difficulty game."

I want the random trainers out in the world to level with youI want them to have at least 4 different PokémonI want actual competitors and challengers to have 6 Pokémon with type variety (Themes are fine. They’re expected. But if you are running a Water team then I expect you to have subtypes to counter waters weaknesses)I want Gym Leaders to be seriously imposing threats who will tear your ass up if you aren’t readyI want a villain team that’s a legitimate threat and who adhere to the “competitors and challengers” rules above.Pokémon games are easy. They always have been. I get it. But just once give me a game where a balanced and carefully bred team won’t just curbstomp everything it comes across. Stop making me do dumb shit like a bug only playthrough just to feel some sort of challenge. via /r/pokemon
"I really want a high difficulty game." "I really want a high difficulty game." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:33 Rating: 5

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