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"So fellow Sinnoh fans, how does it feel to win twice???"

I for one am absolutely buzzing!!! Platinum and the sinnoh games where my first pokemon games, I can't wait to experience the region that I have loved for years once again!I have seen people complaining already about the look for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl but I don't mind it, it's cute and looks fairly similar to the OGs and considering they said it is going to be a faithful remake that is all I can ask for. Guess that sums up part of the community though, complaining pretty much instantly after receiving?Pokemon Legends looks absolutely incredible and I can't wait to be reunited with my little baby Oshawott for a grand adventure! I hope this game does well and we get games in a similar vein, exploring the regions we love hundreds of years before the games.Come on it can't just be me that wants one set around the Pokemon War and during the time just after Reshiram and Zekrom split!But seriously, I know the art style for the remakes looks weird, but no matter what had been announced, people would be complaining because we have set the bar so high for the games. Just calm down and be thankful we're finally getting them via /r/pokemon
"So fellow Sinnoh fans, how does it feel to win twice???" "So fellow Sinnoh fans, how does it feel to win twice???" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:33 Rating: 5

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