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"BDSP's Dissonance Between the Cover Artwork And In-Game Footage"

Anyone else find it really weird how different in feel the cover artwork is compared to the actual in-game artstyle?The cover artwork is ridiculously detailed, to the point of seeing the texture of Dialga's tongue and that Palkia is slightly fuzzy. The imagery it evokes is pretty similar to that of the Detective Pikachu movie, just without changing the design to fit into the real world better.Contrast the actual in-game footage. Chibi overworld in bright colors, LGPE-style shading in battle, and even the humans in battle have colors so saturated they look flat at times.Sure, cover artwork in Pokemon games aren't always indicative of the game itself, especially the early ones with Sugimori art on the cover and really primitive sprites in the actual game.But this isn't the traditional Sugimori art. It isn't even those images of Dialga and Palkia with the soft shading that were released at the same time the game was announced, which would fit the feel of the game from what we've seen.I'd write it off if LGPE didn't have artwork indicative of the game's feel, and if Legends Arceus' artwork was equally contrasting. But the covers for those games fit perfectly.So what gives? Weird marketing decision? Are the game's cutscenes going to be weirdly gritty? via /r/pokemon
"BDSP's Dissonance Between the Cover Artwork And In-Game Footage" "BDSP's Dissonance Between the Cover Artwork And In-Game Footage" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:34 Rating: 5

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