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"Unpopular (?) opinion: Why I like the choice of chibi graphics / "faithful" recreation for BDSP"

tl;dr at the bottomDisclaimer: I am not claiming that BDSP will be good nor bad, as we clearly know very little of it still. But I will attempt to explain why the chibi graphics increase the chances of it being good.Sure, I get it, everyone wanted these remakes to be the grandiose return to form of Game Freak, and everyone has watched that one fanmade trailer that showcases "what could have been".However, let me direct your attention to the last remakes Game Freak made: ORAS.I started pokemon with gen 3, and it is the most nostalgic gen to me. Simply put, I didn't like ORAS.Why? Mostly 2(3) reasons: Most memorable routes were scaled down and simplified, cutting on the exploration you could do in them. The difficulty was nonexistant (yes I know pokemon has never been difficult, but XY/ORAS sit on their own tier of cake walk). And the big one: lack of any battle frontier whatsoever.They also made contests braindead, but I didn't care much about those anywaysSure, it had the Dexnav with chain encounters and everything. Sure, it had the flying around with the Mega Latis thing. Sure, it had whatever competitive breeding QoL improvements and online and such.I don't care. The things that were gonna make me replay the game for a long time - aka an enjoyable playthrough and post-game - weren't there, they were a significant downgrade from the originals. And because of that, ORAS was a massive letdown for me.Tying this back to BDSP: the chibi graphics confirm (well not exactly confirm, but much more likely) that they won't scale down Sinnoh's phenomenal route designs like they did with Hoenn. And since they can cut extra resources from graphics and route design, it's more likely that other areas of the game will be more polished, such as the difficulty curve or implementing any sort of interesting post-game, whether faithful or not.Little addendum: It's baffling that we have to talk about resource limitations for the most profitable franchise in the world, but I don't make the rules unfortunatelytl;drI don't trust Game Freak touching Sinnoh with a 10m pole; chibi graphics make likelier that Sinnoh's cool routes won't be turned into SwSh corridors.Call this pessimistic, conformist or whatever you want, but I'll take any W I can with Game Freak nowadays. via /r/pokemon
"Unpopular (?) opinion: Why I like the choice of chibi graphics / "faithful" recreation for BDSP" "Unpopular (?) opinion: Why I like the choice of chibi graphics / "faithful" recreation for BDSP" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:33 Rating: 5

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