"What Pokémon’s do you sometimes think is from another region than it is?"

Some of mines is milotic and sinnoh because Cynthia uses almost exclusively sinnoh mons but also milotic. Rotom and gen 5 it’s the gen it got it’s different types for it’s forms.Fearow and johto because you get Kenya in goldenrod.wubbafet and gen 3 because wynaut was introduced there.Or skarmory and gen 3 because it is rare in johto and nat as rare in hoenn I think. Also politoed is gen 5 because you se it so much in gen 5 competitive via /r/pokemon https://ift.tt/3gWBu1y
"What Pokémon’s do you sometimes think is from another region than it is?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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