"Weird experience with other player."
#PokemonGO: I live in a county in the southwestern part of Virginia. Now, if you know about southwestern Virginia, towns are extremely small and it's smack dab in the middle of the Appalachians. I started playing Pokemon Go the day it came out, got to level 38 or so and lost interest for a couple of years. Earlier this year my 9 year old niece who is super into Pokemon started playing so I started playing again to help her out. I learned that at level 38 you can nominate stops so I've been doing that throughout my county and in the nearest town. I've managed to get 5 new stops and a new gym in the town so a total of around 10 stops and 5 gyms or so in the town now(still working on rural parts of the county but churches are about the only thing worth nominating).So this is where my horror story begins. Today after work I was sitting in the middle of town with my lady friend enjoying what was without a doubt the best chicken sandwich from KFC I've ever had. I was down at our government center which has 2 gyms right next to each other and 2 stops. Now we're both Mystic players and were trying to get the gym that I recently got nominated to gold level or whatever on our accounts(I don't know what the bronze, silver and gold actually does but hey, might as well). So we're sitting there in my truck scarfing down our KFC fries and such, catching what was without a doubt the 400th Furfrou of the day after taking this gym when I get a knock on my driver's side window. It slightly startled me and I choked on a piece of ice I had somehow managed to suck through my straw but as I look over I see what was easily a late 60's/early 70's year old lady scowling at me. So, I roll down my window and ask if I can help her. She goes "I don't appreciate you knocking me out of that gym, you're too old to be playing Pokemon, you all need to leave". Now I know I must have rolled my eyes or something but I reply with "ma'am there's no age limit on this game and I apologize if I knocked you out of the gym but the one beside it is full of Mystic players and they've been in a while so you could easily take it, this is how the game is played". Now this lady starts just cussing me, every word in the book before walking off. So, I roll up my window and continue eating my dinner while my lady friend was just laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. So while we're sitting there, rather than taking this gym right beside us she starts attacking the gym we just took. So of course my friend waits till she nearly has it and golden berries it. She tries again and gets the same results. So here I am catching yet another backwards hat Croagunk to add to the dozens already taking up space in my bag and I get her knocking on my window again. I roll it back down and she goes "you must be cheating I don't know how you even have a Pokemon with 4000 cp"....now she was obviously talking about my Slaking I threw in so I may have laughed which apparently made her even more furious. She then tells us that if we don't leave right now she was calling the police. I responded with the fact we were on public property at a memorial dedicated to the veterans of the county and she then goes on about how we're harassing her by knocking her Pokemon out of the gym. She then says the part that made me roll my eyes so incredibly hard I was honestly afraid they were stuck..."someone has worked too hard adding gyms to this area for you little punks to just take them over". Now keep in mind, that someone was me. My friend tells her that she's been recording her entire rant and the lady just throws up her hands and walks back to her vehicle before we decide to drive off.So we go on through town to the park which was also taken by Instinct and decide to take it after noticing that as soon as we left she had taken back the gym we were just at. It wasn't long after that she pulls up into the spot behind us and gets out taking photos of my truck. Just for fun I went through town taking every gym before getting back to the one she had thrown a fit over earlier to find that this lady whom I had thought had to be new to the game was actually level 43.I'd say she's still mad that I took that gym back before leaving town.Has anyone else had some real horror stories when it comes to interactions with other players? via /r/pokemongo https://ift.tt/2XYoNwc
"Weird experience with other player."
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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