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"I've been seeing a lot of people having issues with Flint's Drifblim strategy. Let me help you out."

I know Drifblim's Minimize, Strength Sap, Baton Pass, and Will O-Wisp moveset have been giving a lot of people trouble. So let me help everyone who is struggling against Drifblim.One thing you need to know is Drifblim ONLY KNOWS STATUS MOVES. This means Taunt basically forces it to use struggle or switch out. Both of which are fantastic for you. Switching out either gives you a free turn to heal or set up, or still do massive damage if you predict properly.Here's where to get the TM for Taunt: At the very end of the Eterna City side, after you face the Bird Keeper, the Pokeball is the TM for Taunt.Here's a list of Pokemon that can learn Taunt: notable Pokemon I recommend using that can learn Taunt are: Infernape's line, Weavile's line, Gengar's line, Mismagius' line, and Crobat's line. Basically any Pokemon that outspeeds Drifblim that can use it will be great. Infernape and Weavile's line learning it naturally and with Infernape not being able to be burnt give them the biggest edge here.Hope everyone has a good time against the E4!Oh one thing to add and mention is that Taunt is a great move against Lucian. Taunt Mr. Mime, and you don't have to deal with dual screen headaches. Taunt is great in the E4! via /r/pokemon
"I've been seeing a lot of people having issues with Flint's Drifblim strategy. Let me help you out." "I've been seeing a lot of people having issues with Flint's Drifblim strategy. Let me help you out." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:32 Rating: 5

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