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"Sad about secret bases in BDSP"

One thing I loved about Diamond/Pearl/Platinum was the vast underground and the secret bases. I was in the country and a wee child when they came out, so I had no one to play/connect with, but Pearl was my first ever Pokémon game and I adored it.I was super pumped about how they changed the underground around in BDSP, and honestly I do love what they’ve done with the game, my only issue is the secret bases! All you can do is put statues in them, instead of decorate them like a cute little hideout! No more tables and chairs and counters and fridges and pillows. Just… statues. That’s the only thing I’m unhappy about with this game, and one of the main things I was looking forward to because I love decorating stuff lol via /r/pokemon
"Sad about secret bases in BDSP" "Sad about secret bases in BDSP" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:32 Rating: 5

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