"The problem with the art style in BD/SP is its inconsistency"
The weirdest thing about the game to me is that it actually looks great. You can tell that the game looks exactly the way they intended it to look.And that's what's weird to me. Why Chibi overworld but regular sprites in battles? Why are battles in towns featureless voids but battles everywhere else detailed backgrounds? There is so much detail in things like door animations, water, and reflections but the detail doesn't really work aesthetically with chibi overworld characters at all. Now models and building textures look intentionally plasticy but the ground and water and things like doors look extremely detailed. It's so incredibly bizarre.They honestly should have used the Let's Go style. It's the only one IMO that gets the balance of old and new right and looks really good. via /r/pokemon https://ift.tt/30HVPSw
"The problem with the art style in BD/SP is its inconsistency"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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