"TIL Pokémon Legends Arceus takes place about 150 years ago"

I don't know if this is already common knowledge among the Pokémon community, but here goes.I've always wondered what time period Legends Arceus takes place in ever since it was announced. I thought it would be at least 1000 years in the past. As it turns out after a bit of research, it only takes place about 150 years ago, which is a lot less than I thought. Specifically, it takes place during a time in Japanese history known as "Meiji Restoration", which started in 1868.The Meiji Restoration is a movement with the purpose of revolutionizing Japan. Many western ideas were adopted in order to improve Japan's social and economic system.One aspect of this movement is the development of the region of "Ezo", which is the northern and at the time underdeveloped island of Japan. Many people in Japan and even some foreigners traveled to Ezo for this, with the "base" of operation being located in the city of Sapporo. Around this time Ezo would change its name to Hokkaido, which of course is where Sinnoh is based on.Legends Arceus would have a similar lore. People from various regions came to Hisui in order to better understand the Pokémon there. The base of operation is in Jubilife Village, which you guessed it, is based on Sapporo. Like how Ezo changed its name to Hokkaido, the idea of changing Hisui's name to Sinnoh would be considered in the post game.Some in-game aspects hints to this as well, such as the Galarian Weezing design on the Galaxy building. Galarian Weezing's Pokédex entry states that it's a result of air pollutions caused by an overabundance of factories, which first appeared in late 18th century. There is also the tailored suit you can buy at the clothing store, which was invented in early 19th century, and of course the Professor has a camera, which was invented around the same time. All of these suggest that Legends Arceus can't be too far in the past.There are still problems with this idea though. The game is said to take place in the "distant past", and 150 years definitely isn't distant. The change from Hisui to Sinnoh is way too drastic for 150 years, like what happened to the Hisuian forms, especially the Noble Pokémon? However, it's also possible that the "Modern Day" Pokémon games actually take place in the far future, seeing how advanced their technology is. via /r/pokemon https://ift.tt/anoEAYP
"TIL Pokémon Legends Arceus takes place about 150 years ago"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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