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"My theory based off khu’s morse code riddle."

So I think that professor sada might think that Pokémon from the past were better than Pokémon in the present so she secretly experiments on Pokémon to revert them to their primal form basically creating “regional fakes”. On the other hand professor turo might think that Pokémon will be better in the future than in the present so he also conducts experiments on the Pokémon in secret. This also could be the evil groups motive so in Pokémon violet there is team future that want to apply technology to Pokémon to make them stronger while in Pokémon Scarlet there is team past that want to revert Pokémon to there primal forms to make them stronger. Another thing could be is that if you are in Pokémon scarlet the evil team is team past and they want to rebel against professor turo’s teachings and vice versa.What do you guys think?(Sorry if this is rushed I just woke up and this idea came up to me and I’m also busy too so if you see any spelling errors please tell me.) via /r/pokemon
"My theory based off khu’s morse code riddle." "My theory based off khu’s morse code riddle." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:32 Rating: 5

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