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"How would you want a future Legends game to be like?"

I think it's no surprise that Legends Arceus was successful and people want more. They aren't flawless as there are issues, but I feel like it was a unique take on the Pokemon formula but I want to know if you have your own ideas for a new Legends game in the future?My two ideas are a Legends game set in Alola set in a time where the Tapus were angry and Necrozma arrived. We could see some new Alolan forms and even non-Kantonian forms of other Pokemon who adapted to Alola and your starters areChikorita or Bulbasaur for the flora of Hawaii or and its final evo being based on the Mauna Kea Silversword plant (which sounds cool as a name) as a Grass/Fairy type.Tepig to represent Polynesian dishes revolving around Pigs and its final evolutions being Fire/Dark to protect itself from poachers and those who want to eat it.I don't know for a water starter but maybe a Mudkip but as it evolves, it loses its ground related nature?My 2nd idea is a Legends game set in Unova revolving around Kyurem and the combined form of the Tao trio. My starters would be:Turtwig or Treecko could be the starters with a Grass/Fairy Torterra based on Sakura blossoms and spring or a Grass/Ice Sceptile based around winter with a snowy tree look could look interesting.Not sure on Fire starter but maybe Fennekin but instead of a witch/wizard theme, they go with a Warlock theme and despite the two similarities, they aren't the same as Warlocks are more darker in a way compared to Wizards. Possibly Fire/Dark since we have a Fire/Ghost type starter (twice).Water is another hard one but I'd say Sobble as Inteleon is based around the british James Bond, this new Inteleon can be Water/Ghost and could be based on Film Noir.But I'm interested in hearing your concepts of a Legends game and even some unique ideas for a hypothetical game. via /r/pokemon
"How would you want a future Legends game to be like?" "How would you want a future Legends game to be like?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:33 Rating: 5

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