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"My Rival killed "my" first shiny."

I've never had a shiny, we were in the sewers looking for Team Plasma, when I thought, what would happen if a shiny comes out? THE VERY NEXT THING THAT HAPPENS: my first shiny jumps out, a shiny rattata, nothing big but nonetheless, my first shiny, or it woulda been if his pignite didn't arm thrust it to oblivion. I tried paralyzing/killing Pignite but it wasnt enough, and now it's gone. It's a cruel world.EDIT: /u/the_shiny_guru gave me a Shiny Rattata, Thank you so very much! :D via /r/pokemon
"My Rival killed "my" first shiny." "My Rival killed "my" first shiny." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:25 Rating: 5

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