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" - Automatic Stats Calculator and other updates"

#PokemonGO: to my original postHi again, I wanted to share some updates to the site.AddedAutomatic IV Calculator and a list of all of your Pokémon.Screenshots:Pokémon List with Score valueSummary Screen with score and IV breakdownsUpdatedLeaderboards now show where you rank in the community.Removed obvious botters from leaderboardsRemoved the ability to view Coins for other users, but you can still view your own.FutureAdditional stats for your Pokemon list (Weight, height, moves, type)Strength & Weaknesses for your Pokémon and in the Pokédex.Thank you to everyone who provided valuable feedback. Keep it coming!I also want to add that I will be providing public data dumps for the Pokemon data which include Lat/Lng coordinates of where it was caught, so we can figure out nests too! via /r/TheSilphRoad
" - Automatic Stats Calculator and other updates" " - Automatic Stats Calculator and other updates" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:54 Rating: 5

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