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"Daily login reward of 1 candy for your starter or "Personal" pokemon."

#PokemonGO: Add some fun to the starters by giving them consistent progress. Players can invest dust and candy on them continuously and build them up with such automatic candy.This doesn't have to be the exact starter, but rather the starter you chose in-general. So if you chose Charmander, you will receive 1 Charmander candy every day that you login which can be used on any Charmander you own.To expand on this, you could allow a trainer to choose any pokemon as their "Personal" pokemon (or whatever new title/identifier it would be). Perhaps this choice can only be made every 10 levels. So at lvl10 you can change what pokemon is your "Personal" pokemon. Then you have the option to change it again at lvl 20, 30, and 40. This is long enough to make it a commitment to that pokemon, but short enough so a player can change his mind in the future.Summary:Trainer chooses his starter.Starter is automatically their "Personal" pokemon.Every daily login injects 1 candy for your "Personal" pokemon.At level 10, trainer is given the option to choose a new "Personal" pokemon.At level 20, etc.This could be combined further still with more general daily login rewards like dust, coins, etc that have been suggested in other threads.EDIT1: biggest issue with this now is that most players are past level 10/20 and it would only be a meaningful change for new players and new accounts. It would also be difficult to retroactively reward veteran players. So it's highly unlikely compared to a more generalized daily login reward...EDIT2: Another benefit from a reward system like this would be for people who DO NOT want to evolve their pokemon. They could continue to throw candy at powering up their stage 1 or stage 2 reliably. You'd have a consistent flow of candy to help you do what you want with that pokemon.EDIT3: Some of you have suggested daily challenges as a way to earn candy for your chosen pokemon. I agree that could be a better implementation. Because there is more effort involved in completing challenges, you could also have a higher reward for the completion of those challenges. Instead of 1 candy per daily login as originally suggested, you could begin to justify upwards of 5 candy per challenge completion. It's something that you probably won't be able to do EVERY day, so the reward should reflect that. However, those who CAN complete the challenge every day (hardcore players) would get a worthwhile amount of candy to support their progress at higher levels. Of course all the numbers involved in this are purely examples. I would be wary about making the reward too great.As suggested by /u/Vitala_Salonius a challenge could be: hit 10 unique pokestops, capture 6 pokemon, capture 2 gyms. Something very simple, yet requires you to put in a decent amount of effort each day.EDIT4: Another suggestion I have seen some agreement on is directly tying your starter's progression to your trainer. This would mean the stats of your starter could be derived from your trainer's level, distance walked, pokemon caught, pokedex completion percentage, etc. This could also be added retroactively to all trainers even if you had previously transfered your starter pokemon. Everyone would be given a pokemon based on those trainter stats. This was suggested by /u/arcsinus_masterEDIT5: New suggestion by /u/eddiesitar4 to increase the amount of candy you get when capturing your "personal" chosen pokemon. So when you encounter that pokemon in the wild, you'll get more candy from it. Only problem I see is those that still NEVER see their favorite pokemon or starter. So it wouldn't matter if it gave you 100 candy for catching it if you never have the opportunity to do so.EDIT6 /u/ojisan-X made a good suggestion that the candy given through any Daily Login reward could be a "wild card" candy for a random pokemon. Adding to that, there could be an increase in reward based on consecutive daily logins.Thanks for all the replies guys, I love hearing your ideas and I'll continue to update the OP as more come in. via /r/pokemongo
"Daily login reward of 1 candy for your starter or "Personal" pokemon." "Daily login reward of 1 candy for your starter or "Personal" pokemon." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:09 Rating: 5

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