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"PSA: 10 Pokestop bonus achievable without getting items from all 10 stops"

#PokemonGO: TL:DNR If you spin stops with a full bag, if you clear space before the 10th unique spin, you still get the bonus itemsFrom this post here I learned about the bonus spin on the 10th consecutive unique spin.(Spins do not have to be consecutive, just 10 unique in 30 minutes)On my ride in to work I can hit anywhere from 30-40 unique stops. Obviously this fills my bag up pretty quick. Today, i got a 10th hit bag bonus, and then the next stop I hit my inventory limit with 9 more stops left in my route. I didn't feel like cleaning anything out, but i always continue to spin the stops i pass for that sweet sweet 50 XP (#AllXPMatters)As I got closer to work, I caught a caterpie and a magikarp, allowing me to get items from stops #9 and 10. When I did, i received 7 items from the 10th stop, even though my journal only has record of me hitting 3, since stops that give you the "bag full" message aren't countedHere's my screenshots of my journalEDIT - spins do not need to be consecutively unique, just 10 unique in 30 minutes as per this post. Thanks Xminiblinder!! via /r/TheSilphRoad
"PSA: 10 Pokestop bonus achievable without getting items from all 10 stops" "PSA: 10 Pokestop bonus achievable without getting items from all 10 stops" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:57 Rating: 5

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