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"Announcing: The Silph Road Halloween Hunt! ~ A pointless but exhilarating subreddit Easter egg hunt. [Ends in 24 hours]"

#PokemonGO: Happy Halloween from the Silph Road team, travelers!We hope you've enjoyed the spooky subreddit theme and Halloween upvote spawns this week.I will say, I'm a bit disappointed no one has noticed the ghost Pokemon we've hidden in the subreddit's layout... But that's not what this is about!To celebrate Halloween day itself today, we've created a small, entirely pointless, Easter Egg hunt for today only:Ditto!...has been hidden behind certain posts/comments' upvote button! You can find it by clicking the upvote button!For every Ditto a traveler finds, we'll update the total count in the sidebar until midnight EST November 1st (just under 24 hours from this post!) as well as tally up to see which traveler manages to locate the most.To report a Ditto, leave a comment under that post/comment mentioning /u/dronpes <- Just like that! The traveler with the oldest timestamp for each sighting gets the credit and tons of imaginary internet prize monies!*Happy hunting, travelers!- Executive Dronpes -ScoreboardThe scoreboard will be updated periodically throughout the day! View the latest stats here: and Tips:To join the hunt, make sure you're viewing the CSS-enabled version of the Road's subreddit (desktop mode in a web browser, if on mobile - not in a reader app).Don't make useless posts or comments to try to see if your post lands a Ditto! That's a quick way to get disqualified and have you posting ability removed. :DAny Dittos found on posts/comments older than Wed Oct 26 04:57:27 2016 UTC (coincidentally the time of this post) do not count towards the hunt!Feel free to search posts from the past 5 days here on the Road, or any new posts/comments made today!FAQ:Q: Doesn't this ruin everything?A: Nope! Chill out and kick back with us. It's Halloween, traveler! The Halloween festivities end on Nov. 2nd.Q: Shouldn't this have been announced so everyone could start at the same time?A: Probably. But then it would have been way more intense than we meant it to be. :PQ: Is Ditto in the Pokemon GO app yet?A: Nope! Though rumor has it it's coming soon.Q: Won't this clutter the sub?A: Only the occasional, rare comment that actually spawns a Ditto! And even then, only the very first traveler to comment on it gets any credit. But we think the excitement of the gelatinous beast appearing will be a worthy addition to whatever thread it rears its head in.* There is no actual prize at all. In fact you've actually technically 'lost' time out of your day if you win because you participated in a pointless Easter Egg hunt with no prize. Well, technically bragging rights. Good luck via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Announcing: The Silph Road Halloween Hunt! ~ A pointless but exhilarating subreddit Easter egg hunt. [Ends in 24 hours]" "Announcing: The Silph Road Halloween Hunt! ~ A pointless but exhilarating subreddit Easter egg hunt. [Ends in 24 hours]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:17 Rating: 5

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