"What would you like to see in future updates?"
#PokemonGO: I couldnt find a post, but as the title suggests, what other feature(s) would you like to see in the future updates to PokemonGO, Minor or Major. For major(s):I would like to see a balance to Pokemon stats. Id like a more 'even' playing field and more variety of pokemon that are at the gym. I'm getting sick of seeing Vaporeons, Snorlax's and Dragonites floating above my Gyms For Minor(s):Id like to see how much prestige I acquired whislt taking down/ building up a gym on my profile.I would like to be able to select multiple pokemons at a time to transfer away. Catching so many Pidgeys and Drowzee, its quite tedious to open each one up and hit transfer.Transferred candies to increase according to level of evolution. Non evolved = 1 candy, tier 2 evolution = 2 candies, tier 3 = 3 Candies. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2dDSedV
"What would you like to see in future updates?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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