"Bank PSA Compilation"

I've been seeing a lot of PSAs regarding the Poké Bank, so I decided to put all of them into a single post for the community's convenience.GeneralAsh-Greninja can be transferred via Poké Bank. (Source)Sun/MoonThere is an interesting cutscene that plays after transferring Solrock/Lunatone to Sun/Moon, bringing it to Haina Desert, and speaking to the old man in a red shirt. (Source)Contest stats are maintained in Sun/Moon just as they have been historically. (Source)Players only receive one Mewnium Z per Poké Bank account, regardless of whether they restart their Sun/Moon games. (Source)AZ's Floette can be transferred to Sun/Moon. (Source)Players who own both Sun and Moon only receive Mewnium Z on the first game cartridge they open Poké Bank with. (Source)Breeding non-Alolan forms of Pokémon in Sun/Moon will yield their Alolan forms where possible unless the non-Alolan parent is given an Everstone. (Source)Transferring Pokémon that are over level 100 to Sun/Moon reduces their levels to 100. (Source)If you transfer a Pikachu that knows the move Surf to Sun/Moon and evolve it into an Alolan Raichu, it becomes an illegal Pokémon. (Source)Gengar does not keep the ability Levitate when transferred to Sun/Moon. (Source)Bringing Pokémon transferred from Red/Blue/Yellow to Morimoto in Sun/Moon will lead to special dialog. (Source)Red/Blue/YellowMews obtained via exploitation of the Trainer Fly glitch from Red/Blue/Yellow cannot be transferred via the Poké Bank. However, there is a trick to get around this limitation and it can be found here and here. Contrarily, if the same glitch is used to obtain Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres, they can be transferred via the Poké Bank, but only after they reach level 50. (Source 1 | Source 2 | Source 3)Transferring MissingNo via the Poké Bank will cause other Pokémon's names to be shifted around in that particular transfer. (Source 1 | Source 2 | Source 3)Individual Values' influence on Pokémon's shininess is not working properly. Pokémon in Red/Blue/Yellow that would normally be shiny in Gold/Silver/Crystal (based on Individual Values) are not made shiny by Poké Bank while others are. (Source)Pokémon that know moves from Red/Blue/Yellow that are specific to that particular version cannot be transferred from the version that does not offer the particular move. (Source)Pokémon transferred from Red/Blue/Yellow have their sexes randomized. (Source)Pokémon transferred from Red/Blue/Yellow have their Natures determined based on experience using this table. (Source)Pokémon transferred from Red/Blue/Yellow have their Stat Experience ignored and their Effort Values are set to 0. (Source)Pokémon transferred from Red/Blue/Yellow have 3 of their Individual Values perfected (or 5 in the case of Mew). Note that this is done after shininess is determined. (Source)Pokémon transferred from Red/Blue/Yellow always have their Hidden Abilities. (Source 1 | Source 2)When transferring a Pokémon from Red/Blue/Yellow and the Pokémon has the letter pairings "PK" or "MN" in its name, the pairings will be changed to "P" and "M" respectively. (Source)Changing the moves of Pokémon that were transferred from Red/Blue/Yellow may render them illegal (unconfirmed). (Source)Evolving trade-based-evolution Pokémon that were transferred from Red/Blue/Yellow renders them illegal if their evolved forms did not exist in Red/Blue/Yellow. (Source)Pokémon from Red/Blue/Yellow will keep their names in all-capitalized letters (unless they are nicknamed to change this), regardless of what version they are transferred to. (Source)If I missed anything or new things arise, let me know. Hope this helped! via /r/pokemon http://ift.tt/2j64MOP
"Bank PSA Compilation"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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