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"The 10th pokestop bonus: Stops become unique after 15 minutes, not 30."

#PokemonGO: I have seen the following stated many times in the forum:Every 10th unique pokestop you spin will give double items and double exp. After 30 minutes the stops are considered unique again.I would like to clarify that in actuality, it can take only 15 minutes to receive the next bonus from the same ten PokeStops, not 30+ as often claimed.I walk a loop of 10 PokeStops which repeat every 5 minutes (right as they turn blue from purple). Of course if I am catching while I am spinning, my pace would slow down a little bit but otherwise I can hit all 10 stops every 5 minutes. When I do this, I find that I get the bonus every 15 minutes. This would not be possible if it takes 30 minutes for PokeStops to become unique again (the prerequisite for granting the bonus).I first tested this out in November. The thread I posted the data in has since been deleted, but I know that I got the bonus at 1:50, 2:06, and 2:20. That comes out to about 15 minutes between each bonus.Today I took note of when I was getting the bonus when I walked my loop. I first got the bonus at 2:17 (8 items). I then spinned stops 25 times, receiving 3 or 4 items per spin. (Because I was catching, I had less than 30 spins during that period) Then I received the next bonus (6 items) at 2:33, 16 minutes after the last bonus. Then I spun 29 stops and received 3 or 4 items per spin. This was followed by my next bonus (6 items) at 2:50, or about 17 minutes later. Then I spun 26 more Pokestops and received my final bonus (8 items) at 3:04, or about 14 minutes later.So I received the bonus 3 times between 2:17 and 3:04, a 47-minute period (an average 15.7 minutes per bonus). The period is slightly longer than 15 minutes because I was not always reaching stops right as they were turning blue today. This confirms my finding last year that it does not take 30 minutes for PokeStops to become unique for the streak bonus.Despite the title of this thread, I suppose it might be more accurate to say that stops become unique again after 10 minutes (instead of 30), after which it takes 5 minutes for me to spin ten stops for the bonus. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"The 10th pokestop bonus: Stops become unique after 15 minutes, not 30." "The 10th pokestop bonus: Stops become unique after 15 minutes, not 30." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:06 Rating: 5

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