"Nest Migration #19 Highjinks"

#PokemonGO: So me and my buddy are a pair of canadians, and wanted to hit up nests before and after the migration. We managed to get our first scyther off a very infrequent spawn last minute. We stocked up on balls after that by walking around the waterfront. Then things got weird.We ran across some ducks by a bridge and i had some sunflower seeds in my lack so we fed them. Cue every duck in a quarter mile swarming at our feet for food. I blurted out "THE DUCK GODS ARE PLEASED WITH OUR OFFERING, AND SHALL BLESS THIS GREAT MIGRATION!" My usual stupid self.We laugh it off, wait a few hours, then travel back to the nests to see what we got. Along the way i hatch a togepi. "THE DUCKS BE PRAISED" I say. As we approach the first nest, buddy mutters under his breath, "please be a shuckle nest, come on shuckle" twelve seconds later... four shuckles. He starts freaking, follow up with wobbufet nest right after at the second. I raise my arms in the air as he's dying laughing and yell into the air "DDDUUUUCCKKSSSS"And now i shall feed the local ducks before each migration to gain the duck gods good favour in nest spawns. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2oNgFdQ
"Nest Migration #19 Highjinks"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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