"Things that Pokemon GO needs in future updates"

#PokemonGO: 1.Egg-hatching mode: This mode allows you to travel over 10,5 km/h and still get distance tracked. As long as you are in the egg-hatching mode, it is impossible for you to catch Pokemon or spin Pokestops. Also the battery saving mode activates automatically with the egg-hatching mode. This mode is especially for people who want to hatch eggs while going for a run, or while riding the bike (not very fast by the way). Buddy distance should also be tracked in this mode. The highest possible speed for hatching eggs in this mode should be somewhere between 20 and 25 km/h I think.Fighting: Sooner or later Pokemon GO has to implement normal fighting with wild Pokemon. The Problem right now, is that if you encounter a crazy spawn like a Charizard or a Blizzey or so, you can just use a Razzberry and an Ultraball in combination. This might be good enough for most Pokemon, but not for such strong ones. You need an option like fighting them so low that they are way easier to catch. It is the most terrible thing that could happen to a player, if you find a wild Blizzey and it runs away after it breaks out the first time.Random Trainers: Some random spawned trainers, at a much lower rate spawned than Pokemon, would be a nice thing to have. You could train your Pokemon against them and earn some Stardust, or Pokedollars if they want to implement a new currency, for winning. At the moment it is way too hard to earn enough Stardust for powering up, so I think this would be a good idea and not the hardest thing to bring into the game.Pokemon training instead of powering up: At the moment, everything that is important from a Pokemon, is the CP-value and the move set. The formula and everything else behind the whole CP thing is really impressive and it works, but it is not the best system. Also the power up system isn’t that great. Powering up Pokemon with Stardust you got from catching tons of Pokemon is honestly a pretty lame thing to do. A way better option is, like it was in the main series games, to show the level of the Pokemon and train it up in fights against wild Pokemon or gym battles. This was one of the best and most interesting things to do in the old games. With the level of a Pokemon determining its strength, there would also be the possibility for every Pokemon with a high enough level, to stay on the first position in a gym, if CP get cancelled completely. I think without this training system it is not 100% Pokemon.Pokecenters: Pokecenters are totally necessary in Pokemon GO. They were in every original game and especially for all the rural players it would be nice to have a place near every gym where you can heal all your Pokemon instantly. This would not even be uneconomically for Niantic, because at the moment you are not able to by revives and potions in the store. So no money for Niantic gets lost.Stores: I thinks somewhere in the future of Pokemon GO it is necessary to introduce normal stores where you are able to buy all the items you need. The thing with the Pokestops now is that you get some random items and let’s say you need more Pokeballs because you are not interested in battling gyms. Then you get 1 potion, 1 revive and a Nanabberry. Yeah, kind of a disappointment, right? And as always, rural players would profit the most from normal stores. With 6 or 7 Pokestops in a village like my hometown it is just a pain in the neck to collect items quickly.TM/VM: At the moment you are not able to influence your Pokemons move set. This is just terrible, because when you have a perfect IV Blastoise with bite and lightcanon it is just a disappointment. So you have a good Pokemon but no use for it. TM’s and VM’s would be one good thing to solve this Problem. It could be like TM’s drop from Pokestops or if stores get implemented then you could buy them. VM’s shouldn’t be so easy to get. I think you should accomplish different quests or something like that to get a VM. All in all I also think that 2 moves, 1 quick move and 1 charge move, are not enough. There should be 4 moves for every Pokemon. Somewhere in the future when Gen 3 is rolling out, there will be moves which don’t hurt Pokemon directly. They only change their status into “paralysed” or “poisoned”. When those moves are out you need more space for attacks of your Pokemon. For example, you can’t paralyse a Pokomeon 15 times to load up your charge move.Sightings and Nearby: The problem with those 2 trackers is simple. If there are enough Pokestops in your sight, the nearby list is active and you can pretty easily find Pokemon who spawn at Pokestops. If there are no Pokestops or too less Pokestops in sight, Sightings appear and shows you which Pokemon are somewhere near you, but didn’t show you where. So far not a bad idea, right? The Problem so many players have, is that if nearby is active, which is mostly the case, the list shows you a maximum of 9 Pokemon at some Pokestops. So for example there are 3 Pidgeys, 2 Weedles, 1 Rattata, 1 Magicarp, 1 Pikachu and 1 Rhydon. This is nice to have, but if a few hundred meters away from me at a random spawnpoint a snorlax, charizard, blizzey or whatever spawns, I am not very interested in the Pidgey at the next Pokestop. I hope the Problem is now well explained. So here comes my solution: Bring back the maps. You could make a map like in the original games, where it shows you an area where a specific species of Pokemon spawns more frequently. What a new and better tracker definitely needs is some kind of search option for every species of Pokemon, and not just the 9 nearby me.New gym battle-system: At the moment Niantic is working on a big gym rework. I hope this completely deletes the one we have right now, with only tapping and swiping as fast as you can. The battle system should be like it always was. Pokemon should attack alternating. I don’t understand much of programming games but I think this would make it way easier to have a fight without so many connection issues and bugs like right now. I also think there should be different types of gyms: type based gyms, where the first player put a water type Pokemon into the gym and all other players are only allowed to put water types into. Or a double arena would be nice, where you can only battle with a friend. Or something else other than it is now. As long as there is a little more diversity than now would be great.Egg breeding and Buddy system: The buddy system is fine like it is, but it would be nice if the distance you need to get candies is set to 1km for 2km egg-Pokemon, 2km for 5km egg-Pokemon and 3km for 10km Egg-Pokemon. I mean mostly you want to walk a 10km egg-Pokemon because their candies are the rarest, but it takes forever to get enough chancy candies for a high powered up Blizzey. And then you have 25 other Pokemon you want to power up to max. The egg breeding system is also not bad, but I think trainers should be allowed to breed those eggs they want to have and not only get random ones from Pokestops. I honestly don’t know how many kilometres I have walked in order to get Goldeens and Krabbys which I can use for nothing.I hope you all are still interrested in the game an also hope for updates like the 10 possibillities up there. By the way I'm new on reddit and Trainer Tips Nick brought me here. He always mentions reddit in his youtube videos so I thought I'll sign up. Also I'm from austria and so english isn't my native language, so sorry for misspelling or so.I'm looking forward for your opinions on this topic and have a nice day. via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2qvzNPL
"Things that Pokemon GO needs in future updates"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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