"We want TMs!"

#PokemonGO: Not an original idea, but one I hadn't seen mentioned for a couple of weeks (and now we know Niantic read this sub) worth keeping at the forefront of discussion.TMs - Technical Machines - enable Pokemon to be taught specific moves, often which they can't learn by levelling up (here's a much more comprehensive explanation from Bulbapedia: http://ift.tt/21eXswH)It is commonly felt that TMs could be used in Pokemon Go to enable Pokemon to learn optimal movesets - got a Machamp with Bullet Punch? Through a TM you could teach it Counter instead.In the main series games there are (I say as a relative novice so stand to be corrected) three primary ways to obtain TMs - find them, get given them by NPCs, buy them. Discussion about their implementation in Pokemon Go centres around two possibilities - spin them randomly from pokestops, or buy them (for candy, stardust, or coins).The main argument against the introduction of TMs appears to be that they could lessen the grind based reward mechanism in Pokemon Go, which rewards (on average over time overall) people who play more. For that reason personally I favour having the idea of buying TMs with candy (50 candy per one use TM/move change seems about right to me as it would still make the grind necessary and meaningful).Why do we want them? It would enable us improve the Pokemon we catch/evolve, creating more of a connection with individual Pokemon, and a feeling that we were training them (rather than just seeing them as a disposable asset which might be replaced with a better model in the future, or shelved/transfered immediately if they have a bad moveset).(Edit: to clarify, my suggestion for their implementation is to allow players to purchase a single use TM for 50 candy. This would prevent them being too readily available, and would present a genuine but reasonable opportunity cost (single use TM, power up, or save for another evolution?)(Edit 2: in my suggestion, TM would be synonymous with a one off move change for a single Pokemon, purchased with 50 candy for that Pokemon). via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2q40hXk
"We want TMs!"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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