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"Your experience of RNG over time - wins and losses"

#PokemonGO: Just curious what everyone considers to be their biggest RNG wins and losses over time, and whether you feel, on balance, you're coming out ahead. We all have our moments of frustration and elation, but do you feel, overall, that you're getting a fair shake?I'd consider myself ahead overall.Biggest losses:Evolved five Alazakam in a row without FutresightAll three of my 100% IV Pokes have got poor/terrible movesetsHatched four Kabuto out of five 10k eggs at a time when all I wanted was a Snorlax (and had recently finished walking a Kabuto to get Kabutops)Have evolved two Machamp since gen 2. Neither with double fighting moves.No Body Slam SnorlaxRarely seem to get ' the best' movest, esp on high IV pokemon (and for some Pokemon (e.g. Poliwrath) it just seems impossible, no matter how many times I evolve)Edit - just evolved my second Typhlosion and got Shadow Claw/Solar Beam again, added to the list!Biggest wins:Got Dragon Breath on my only legacy Dragonite (edit: spelling)After five months of no Snorlax, hatched four in three months, all with 89%+ IVsBoth Blissey have Dazzling GleamHave high IV legacy moveset Lapras, Gengar, EggsHigh very IV best moveset Gyarados and Ursaring (and some others which are less exciting now - e.g. Slowbro).Whilst a number of Pokemon have been very difficult to find, I've had no 'impossible to find, do they really exist?' Pokemon via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Your experience of RNG over time - wins and losses" "Your experience of RNG over time - wins and losses" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:44 Rating: 5

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