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"The interface for healing is worse in 0.153.0"

#PokemonGO: above image shows the game on the screen for using potions, 0.151.0 on the left, and 0.153.0 on the right. Previously, when you selected potions or revives, you would see how many you have at the top and the count would decrease as you used them. This is no longer the case in 0.153.0 as all you get is the number of Pokémon you can currently use the selected item on. I'm hoping this is reverted in a future update as this makes healing Pokémon more of a memory game in order to keep track of how many potions/revives you have as you're using them. Anyone else find this change rather annoying? via /r/TheSilphRoad
"The interface for healing is worse in 0.153.0" "The interface for healing is worse in 0.153.0" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:39 Rating: 5

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