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"Idea: use text replacement for finding best Type counters"

#PokemonGO: I thought of a nice trick to use in combination with the search option in the pokemon view: use text replacement to quickly find the best counters.For example, I have the following text replacement in my phone:!fire -> ground,rock,waterWhen I want to attack a fire type pokemon, I type !fire in the search bar and it expands to ground,rock,water, showing me all the pokemons that are of those types.What do you guys think?Edit: Replacements I use:ShortcutReplacement!bugflying,fire,rock!darkfighting,fairy,bug!dragonice,dragon,fairy!electricground,grass,dragon!fairypoison,steel!fightingflying,psychic,fairy!fireground,rock,water!flyingelectric,ice,rock!ghostghost,dark!grassfire,ice,poison,flying,bug!groundwater,grass,ice!icefire,fighting,rock,steel!normalfighting!poisonground,psychic!psychicbug,ghost,dark!rockwater,grass,fighting,ground,steel!steelfighting,fire,ground!waterelectric,grass via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Idea: use text replacement for finding best Type counters" "Idea: use text replacement for finding best Type counters" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:16 Rating: 5

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