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"It seems we are going to have a Mewtwo problem."

#PokemonGO: Once released, Mewtwo will be superior to all other pokemon by a large margin. Every analysis I have read puts Mewtwo as one of, if not usually the ideal attacker into every other pokemon. A Mewtwo with Focus Blast will even be a strong option to take down Tyranitar, who is really Mewtwo's only solid counter. If they are going to rollout Mewtwo similarly to how they did the Legendary birds, then soon we will be able to retire every other pokemon on our roster in favor of a team of 6 maxed out Mewtwos. With the amout of rare candies we are being given those of us hoarding them and stardust will level them up quick and then our new meta will just be Mewtwo. Gym defenders will be all the more irrelevant, and while we may love to fight with our favorites, when it comes to team raid battles its hard to justify fighting with anything but your best. So get ready to see screenshots of 6 Mewtwos taking out raid bosses from here on out.I feel Niantic will have to do something to keep Mewtwo from over dominating the game. Making him immensely rare or hard to catch will alienate a lot of players. Everyone will want a chance at a Mewtwo, and to get the most players playing, Niantic will want to give them that chance. Honestly, the best solution I can think of is restricting the number a player can have at any one time to 1. The problems with this have been discussed before. Most obviously this would be frustrating since IVs are a thing, but more importantly raids require multiple people to come together to battle, but once people get their 1, getting enough players together will become a big problem. I have to imagine they will want to release Mewtwo as a raid boss, because who doesn't want to team up to defeat the most powerful pokemon? But all this leads us to this unfortunate dilemma. Anyway I look at it, one way or another, I think the game is going to have a Mewtwo problem.What are people's thoughts? via /r/TheSilphRoad
"It seems we are going to have a Mewtwo problem." "It seems we are going to have a Mewtwo problem." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 14:10 Rating: 5

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