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"Thank you, Niantic, for this wonderful event"

#PokemonGO: I love this event.During this event, I hatched a 96% Larvitar, 96% Dratini, two 93% Mareep, 3 Lapras, a Snorlax, and some other crazy pokes.I also hit my stardust goal of 1.1M (was at 650K before the event). I managed to grind like crazy by renting a pedal go-kart (pretty much a bike with four monster-truck-like wheels) and biking around hatching eggs + plus'ing everything on sight.Doing legendary raids was a whole lot of fun (still is) but I'm glad that they changed things up and gave us an event, where we could capitalize on the (second) most important currency in the game, while giving us easy to access pokes in the process.Just wanted to say that this event is great and we've got another week to go! via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Thank you, Niantic, for this wonderful event" "Thank you, Niantic, for this wonderful event" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:20 Rating: 5

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