"[Complaint] Raids are becoming a miserable experience"

#PokemonGO: First off, i would like to say to Niantic thank you for making the raid rewards better. I’m sure the fanbase appreciates it. I know I do.I hate the eggs. Loved it before when raids had 2 hour spawn times, but some people like them. Whatever. It’s ridiculous that eggs last longer than raid spawns. I do not know who pitched the idea of 45 minute spawns, but it’s a bad idea. Raid eggs should last no longer than 30 minutes. There is no need to wait for an hour for a raid egg to hatch. Raids should have a minimum of a 1 hour spawn time.Why do ex raids have egg timers in the first place? The pass is sent out a week in advance. I don’t see the point on that one at all.In the summer, raids went until 930 pm CST. Then they stopped at 830 CST. As soon as daylight savings time switched to standard time, raids stopped at 730 pm CST. It still currently ends at 730 CST. People want to raid after work. No one gets up at 5 in the morning for raids.Please make these changes so raids can be a fun experience again via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2kaLpp6
"[Complaint] Raids are becoming a miserable experience"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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